Kakashi's being paralyzed! lol

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First off! omg this picture be making me ugly cry like wtf, god didn't have to do this to me but I guess it's his thing to put people in fucking missury, or maybe he just does that to me idk. anyway next! this part will be a little 'smutty' so if you don't like it then that ok, I will tell you when its starting and when its over, just look for "smut is starting" and "ok, it's over" or something like that however I cant really save you from the sexual thoughts snd stuff, but if you do like it then please enjoy.

Obito's pov 4 months after Christmas

I was in the middle of cooking for dinner until I heard a knock on the door, so I put the ingredients down and walk to the door to see who it was. I crack open my door and I see my beautiful little boyfriend, I smile "hey Bakashi, what brings you here" I say "I-I just wanted to see how you were doing" I could see him blushing and acting shy like, honestly, it was really cute. "come on, I'm making dinner and I accidentally measured everything wrong so I have a lot more food then wanted" I said opening the door and rubbing the back of my head. He smiled and walked in, Kakashi taught me how to cook but I'm still getting the hang of it so not everything comes out great. He offered to help me, I hesitated at first but knew it would taste like shit if he didn't, so I took his offer. About 25-35 min later, the food was ready, we sat down and ate food, it was really good, but I know it only tasted good because he helped me make it.

30 min later when they were done eating

Kakashi's pov

After we were done eating I helped with dishes, we just talked about the most random stuff. Actually, the real reason why I came here...I actually missed seeing Obito's body like I did when he saw my face, I can't get that out of my head...I want it to happen again, I'm just praying that he just thinks about it without me telling him or anything to save the shame and embarrassment. All of a sudden, Obito puts his hand on my shoulder making me flinch from being pulled back into reality. "You on Kashi? I called your name for the last minute but you didn't answer..." I guess I was really wanting it huh? I didn't mean to worry him though "I'm fine...I was just...thinking." Just remembering what happened made my face red "Kakashi...what was the real reason you came here?" I was shocked by the sudden question I was kinda hoping he wouldn't ask, I didn't want to lie to him once more about it, but I didn't want to tell him either...

Obito's pov "smut will start here"

Kakashi seemed shocked about my question, but I had an idea why he was really here. When he was spacing out, I saw that he had a deep blush on his face since his mask was still down, when I called out his name a few times I saw that he was in deep thought about something, I didn't get it at first, but then I looked down and I saw that he was somewhat hard. And now that I think about it, he's been like that ever since he got here, just shy, always bushing and spacing out, but I don't think I have noticed him being hard over anything. After a few minutes of looking at each other, Kakashi looked down at the dish he cleaned and was now whipping it off like he was deciding on something. "I-..." His blush grew to his ears, I took the rag and plate out of his hand and placed it on the table, and roughly kissed him while my free hand was holding his waist. He was surprised at first but then kissed back, I licked his bottom lip asking for an entrance and he slowly opened his mouth after a few minutes of exploring his mouth, I put him over my shoulder and walked to my room, I keep hearing and feeling his pant and try to get into a more comfortable spot but his body was in a sort of shock and lustful (I am not about to look up if that's true or not so just go with it) state so it was hard for him to be normally strong. Once I got in the room I threw him on the bed making him land somewhere about his tail bone, once I got on top of him, I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me. His face told me everything, as if "do more to me" was written on it, I kissed him once again and he kissed back, I started to run my hand up to his shirt, earning moans from him in return. All of a sudden, I felt him reach his hand to my dick and start to feel it "mngh!" I never expected him to do that, knowing he's a bottom and everything, but it was just unexpecting from him. I guess he really wanted it, I break the kiss and flip him over so he was pretty much on top of me, I grab his face making us make eye contact "what was that for?~ last time it only took you a day to start walking again, keep touching me like that and ill make it a week~" I said smirking, he had saliva running down from the side of his mouth and he was panting and a deep crimson red across his nose, cheeks so his ears. Little did I know that while I was telling him what might happen, he was slowly undoing my pants, I didn't realize it until he grabbed that spot pretty hard, hard enough to make my head arch back trying not to moan. As soon as I did, Kashi went down to my pants and took my dick out of my pants, and I didn't really want to stop him. My head went back and I looked down at him, he looked shocked to see my size, he was just sitting there and staring. "What? hard to believe all of it fit inside you?~" He didn't look at me but I knew he heard me, he finally snapped out of his thoughts and licked the top, I groaned from the touch. 

my pov

Kakashi continued to tease Obito by messing with the top and Obito started to get pissed off "D-dammit, stop teasing me like I'm the bottom!" Obito said not looking Kakashi in the eyes. Kakashi thought that Obito has been teased enough and put have of him inside his mouth "ngh!" Obito grabbed Kakashi's hair and the bedsheets to release some pleasure coming from his sensitive dick. Kakashi put his hand on the other half of Obito's dick that wasn't in his mouth and started to jerk him off and suck him at the same time, Obito got a harder grip on Kakashi's hair and groaned with every movement from the smaller boy, after a little bit, Kakashi let go of Obito's dick and tried to take all of it but had a hard time due to Obito's size. Obito saw Kakashi having trouble and decided to help him out, he moved his hand to the back of Kakashi's head and pushed it down, making Kakashi take in all of Obito. Obito's dick went down Kakashi's throat making him gag but Obito didn't let him back up just yet, after a little bit, Obito finally let Kakashi come back up, he was gasping for hair and had tears in his eyes from Obito's dick going down his throat. (Just a reminder, Kakashi was in the middle of the bed) Obito pushed Kakashi to the end of the bed and started to take his shirt off, and then he went on to his own clothes. He then took Kakashi's pants and boxers off and Kakashi let him, Obito wanted to tease Kakashi a little bit, kinda like how Kakashi teased Obito. He went down to Kakashi's neck and started to bite down on it, after a little bit Obito stuck one finger into Kakashi's hole since he didn't do it last time. Kakashi didn't like how slow everything was going and it was driving him crazy, he wanted to feel Obito inside him. He had an idea, Kakashi went up to Obito's ears and barely whispered "nah~ fuck me senseless already~" this made Obito lose control, Obito bit down hard on Kakashi's collar bone and Kakashi moaned pretty loud from the sudden pain and pleasure. "AAAHHH!~~~" Obito then rammed into Kakashi without warning and didn't give Kakashi time to get used to it, so he just started to thrust in Kakashi and made an unrhythmed pace. Kakashi had saliva and tears running off his face and his eyes were narrow trying to look somewhere other than all the way back to his head. With every thrust, Kakashi's moans grew louder and Obito went harder and faster, he couldn't help all the excitement going on so he also bit down on Kakashi's collar bone harder until it bled. Kakashi's nails dug into Obito's skin causing blood to go down his back, the sweat went into the cuts making them sting but Obito thought it was a good distraction from losing control. "O-Obito! I'm ganna NAH!~ c-cum!~~~" and with that, Obito hit a spot inside Kakashi that made Kakashi's back arch and he screamed/moaned, he came all over Obitos stomach but Obito didn't stop, he keep hitting that one spot and the pace didn't stop until Kakashi came once again and Obito came inside of Kakashi. Obito let go of Kakashi's clavicle(collar bone) and watched the blood go off his shoulder and to the sheets while he was gasping for air, once he finally got into a normal breathing pace he put his head up and looked at Kakashi.

(SMUTS OVER YOU VIRGINS...but it's ok there's nothing wrong with that UwU)

Obito's pov

When I went to look at Kakashi, I saw that he was asleep. 'He must have fainted' I thought, I put him in the bathtub and ran the warm water, I decided to put something in the water to help him heal a little faster since I gave him his karma already. But there's no way he's ganna be back to walking in just 1 day, once the water was high enough, I went in the tube with Kashi to make sure he didn't drown, and he kinda needed someone to wash him so. I started to play with his hair a little bit 'is there ever a minute when his hair isnt fucking soft?!' I saw Kakashi move a little bit so im guessing he was waking up.

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