The mission

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Kakashi's pov

'I don't remember head hurts...why am I bleeding, Rin, Obito....' Kakashi felt pain in his left eye, then, he saw Obito in front of him holding a kunai in his hand and killing the man in front of him. That's when all the memories came back...

~Flash back before this~ my pov

"Ok! you guys are going on a mission, I am not able to come with you sadly, I have a separate mission to go on and the Hokage thinks you guys are strong enough to go alone for this one. I'm putting Kakashi in charge for team leader!" Minato said "b-but Minato sensei! why can't I will be in charge? Bakashi isn't even close to my skills and mindset!" Obito stated with confidence "Obito what's 2+5?" Kakashi asked "umm (uses fingers)....1...2.......3"                                                             "oh my god- it's 7 you dumb or something?" Kakashi asked "I can't do any sort of math but I can sure do yo-" Kakashi slapped Obito making him shut up while Minato got a nose bleed and Rin just looked pissed but smiled. "Ok, after this mission if you do it well, we can go get some ramen or something for completing a first solo mission!" Obito sat up and you could see stars in his eyes from the word ramen. "See you guys later, be safe!" and with that, Minato went off "Goddammit Obito you can't say stuff like that" Kakashi said rubbing the slap mark on Obito's cheek, "sorry not sorry bunny~" Obito said teasingly with a smile, Kakashi blushed. "Whatever let's just get this over with fast so we can feed Obito on time," Kakashi said walking out of the gates "hey what's that supposed to mean!?" Obito said chasing after him, Rin not too far behind. After a while of escorting the 3 ninjas across the bridge safely, Kakashi felt nervous, he felt eyes on them the whole way but didn't say anything because it might scare the people with him or trigger the enemy to attack, maybe it was just a feeling and nothing was really there. The ninjas started to walk away from each other, that is until those people who were following team Minato attacked them, 2 of the 3 ninjas were traitors and killed the person on their team. Kakashi, Rin, and Obito fought back, but Rin ended up getting kidnapped so it made things difficult, after Kakashi and Obito were done with the ninjas attacking, they went for Rin. "Kakashi, where could they be? what if they already killed her?" Obito asked worried, Kakashi was trying to find a way to calm his lover down "I-I..." Kakashi tried to say something until he saw something moving in the was coming for Obito, Kakashi reacted and ran in front of Obito. Kakashi fell to the ground painfully holding his eyes, he could feel the blood going down his face and arm. He looked at Obito, he was saying something, but Kakashi couldn't understand, he was in too much pain and he hit his head pretty hard. He felt dizzy.

~end of flash back~ Kakashi's pov

'I remember now, we need to save rin!' I tried to stand up but fell, Obito caught me, he picked me up bridal style and took me a few trees away, I was guessing he didn't want to risk the rest of the ninjas to go to the exact same spot and we have to fight them. When we got to a higher tree, we walked to where the branch and tree meet. He put my back on the tree while the rest of me was sitting on the branch (btw, it's a big branch, I would assume you know that but just in case) once Obito put me there, he lightly cupped my face and lifted it up. His goggles weren't on his eyes so I could clearly see him, and what I saw shocked me. 'He activated his Sharingan, he hasn't been able to do that, so what caused it? could it have been me getting hurt?' I thought, and he was crying. I didn't want to see him cry, he tried to touch my scar to see how bad it was, as soon as he did, I was in immediate pain. "Nhg!" I tried not to say anything just to reassure him, but I couldn't help it, it hurt like hell. My eyes were tightly shut due to pain, I felt Obito touching my hair, I opened the one eye that was still working and I saw he was getting bandages, a rag, and his water bottle (ok it would be weird to have a rag and water bottle in those tiny bags with a bunch of weapons, but hey, why not, I mean an opened wound needs immediate cleaning, especially with a weapon that's not clean or has bacteria on it, AKA blood) He put some water on the rag and squeezed out the rag a little "this might hurt a little, but try not to make any noise, we can't afford to attract any more ninjas to kill us, just squeeze my hand if it hurts...." Obito said first sliding my bangs back, then pulling down my mask, and then reached out his left hand for me to hold on to, I knew it would be painful so I took his hand and closed my eyes. 

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