happy ending

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"I don't think..."

Kakashi started out with tears in his eyes as he looked down at Obito, Obito felt cold sweat run down his neck and he also had tears in his eyes. 

"...I don't think I could ever imagine my life without you..." Kakashi said as he finally let the tears fall out and the smile set it. Obito's face filled up with joy as he jumped up and grabbed Kakashi to lift him up and spin him around as they both cried. Kakashi wrapped his arms around Obitos neck and pulled down his mask to kiss Obito as flower petals sprayed everywhere out of the tree above them so the 3 kids could not see his face. The kids ran out of the bushes to yell and cry with them. "You guys are here too?!" Kakashi asked as he quickly pulled up his mask "aw man Kakashi Sensei! why does Obito-kun get to see your face but we can't?!" yelled Naruto, the rest of the night was filled with laughs and cries, word got out all over town. "Nothing could make this day any better Obito," Kakashi said as he sat on the balcony of his and Obitos home "well, how could it get any better when you're here with me?" Obito answered while rubbing his thumb over Kakashi's hand "now take that mask off before I fucking burn in Bakashi!" Obito yelled and Kakashi laughed into the chill, beautiful, dark night. Looking a few years into the future, they're happily married and have a child, Kenma, he's a year old and is adopted. But they love him dearly. Rin is happy in a marriage and finally got over Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke are dating and Sakura is still single and not wanting to deal with relationships. Everyone was happy.

Thank you for reading this book! sadly, I have finished it. But I came out with a new book, it's called "the one we share" an All Tokyo revengers x reader. The book is inspired by Tokyo revengers, the anime, and I also have another Okikaka book so just look at my books and if you want me to do a book request just let me know. thank you for all your support and see you in the next book!

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