The date

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Obito's pov

"hey, um...Kashi?" I asked worried "yes?" I'm really scared to ask him, we've been hanging out a lot but I don't feel like it's enough, is he getting sick of how much we've been together? "there's a parade going on around here, I know we've been hanging out a lot...but I really want to do date..." god, why am I studdering?! all of a sudden I heard him laugh "why are you so shy about asking me, I love hanging out with you" I looked at him while he said that, but then he looked down at the food "iv always love to hang out with you, I just didn't know how to tell you." those words, was what iv been longing to hear from him, I tightened my grip around his waist "I'm glad" I said with a smile.

Kakashi's pov

"Breakfast is done, you hungry?" I asked "heck ya, I'm starving!" so with that I put the food on the plates and passed one to Obito and we ate. When we were done eating, we decided to go out and buy clothes for the parade, Obito made me agree to picking each other's clothes out and make it a surprise. I decided to head to the Uchiha clan and get a kimono with an Uchiha symbol on the back. 

And I got him this, I'm already regretting agreeing to this

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And I got him this, I'm already regretting agreeing to this. A little over an hour later, I waited for him to buy the Ichiraku Ramen, it was around 11:25 so I thought we could eat lunch there. When he finally got there, we exchanged clothes and decided to look at them when we both got into our own homes and meet up at the parade. We ordered food and talked about the most random things to make each other laugh, I loved every bit of it. We were alone until the owner Teuchi came in to give us our bowls "so, you guys on a date or something?~" Teuchi asked, I immediately blushed and tried to convince him it wasn't a date...but Obito was confident as always and told him yes. Teuchi left us again and we went on about random stuff and I learned a lot, he doesn't like cats and loves dogs, kinda like me. He loves ramen and he had 2 fathers, he doesn't really know if he's bisexual or gay, but he leans more towards guys but sometimes to girls, it depends on who they are. 

Obito's pov

We sat there for a while talking, and I actually made Kakashi smile this week, more than once too! we went on about our lives, after a few minutes, we heard footsteps running towards us, the next thing I knew...Rin had her arms around Kashi... "hey Kakashi! have you heard about the parade going on?" she asked, my blood started to boil, she had no right to touch what's mine "uh..." was all Kakashi could say before I took his hand and wrapped my arms around his chest while his back was leaning on my chest, Rin saw the sight and gave me a death stare, nothing made me madder, but I had something she didn't, I had her crush to myself. "Me and Kashi are going to the parade together, so if you thought you could ask him and he'd say yes, then your more fucked up than ever. He doesn't like you!" I said "you didn't even let him decide! stop being so controlling Obito! maybe it's you he doesn't like!" Rin said, and I just smirked "I wasn't ganna make Kakashi say anything, but I guess I have to know." I leaned down to his ear and said loud enough so both could hear me "So Kashi, who do you wanna go to the parade with?" I asked, knowing he would go with me. Rin looked like a 5-year-old waiting to get a present. "I-I wanna go with this Baka behind me, sorry Rin." he said as he took my hand and at first dragged me away but I caught up. I could tell without looking back that Rin just stood there shocked trying not to believe what just happened. As we got a little more away from the ramen shop, I decided to intertwine our fingers, and so I did. I saw Kakashi's blush raising up to his ears but he did the same thing with his fingers to mine. We stopped at Kakashi's house first and I kissed him on the forehead, we split up and I went to my house to see the clothes he got me. Hehe, that reminds me, he's ganna love the kimono I got for him~ I opened the bag and saw a blue long kimono with a white strap around the middle and an Uchiha symbol on the back, to be honest, I loved it. I put it on and it was really comfy and keep me warm, so I took it off and placed it back in the bag and took a shower, and got ready.

Kakashi's pov

I placed the bag down on the table and took a quick shower, when I got out I just put a large shirt on and some boxers and while the towel was around my shoulders, I looked in the back and it looked nice, however, while I was trying it on, I felt the need to kill him. It was a red and pinkish red kimono with black-looking flames on the ends and long sleeves that went off on my shoulders, and the slit went down showing my legs at the bottom. I found a note in the bag.

"Hey Bakashi, try not to kill me wearing this, it might just show a 'little' but I thought it was really cute, you can wear that body mask you have so your chest won't show and still wear a mask, thanks shorty!~"  Obito Uchiha

(Btw I did draw this and that is my name on the right side of the drawing, please don't say that this drawing was yours, I made it out of imagination so there's no way it could be anyone else's but mine, thank you for understanding!) 

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(Btw I did draw this and that is my name on the right side of the drawing, please don't say that this drawing was yours, I made it out of imagination so there's no way it could be anyone else's but mine, thank you for understanding!) 

I sighed knowing I had no choice so I finished getting ready.

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