The promise

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-loud ringing- Kakashi's pov

I heard my name but it sounded distant and faint, I try to stand up but my body is aching, I remember something hit me heard on my left side (every time I say left side in this it reminds me of Shoto Todoroki lmao)  and I fell, I look up to see Rin, she was yelling something, but I couldn't hear her...' Kakashi' is all I heard, but Rin was next to me, not far away. Her voice started to get louder and I heard more noises in the background, the ringing started to go away, Rin saw that I could hear her now and she sighed in relief "Rin? wheres Obito?" I asked looking around "Obito, he's right- Obito? Obito?!" I felt panic rise while Rin started to scream for him, but no response, I saw some fallen rocks and I tried to get up but fell back down "Kakashi, did you see him after he ran up to you?!" I tried to remember, I remember getting thrown at Rin, but I didn't see Obito "he threw me but I didn't see him" I said finally getting enough balance to kinda run, I saw a figure laying on the ground, the closer I got the more I realized the body, it was Obito! I ran faster "Obito! are you alri-" my heart dropped, Obito was laying on the ground, the right side of his body was crushed by a boulder. Rin ran up to me "Kakashi, did you find him?!" when she looked down at Obito she immediately cried, I was trying to process what was happening it's ok you just fell asleep and this is a dream ok? this isn't real!' I tried to lie to myself but the more I did the more I realized this was all really happening. I walked up to Obito and fell on my knees and hands, Obito's eyes started to open "Kakashi?" I tried not to cry. "Hey, I'm here, everything ganna be fine! You're ganna be ok!" I said choking back a sob, he just smiled at me "hey Kashi, there's no need to lie to your self" I felt his words hurt me, this shouldn't happen, this shouldn't happen to him or to me! what about his family? "you promised promised you wouldn't leave promised we would always be promised you would be there for me...." I cried and sobbed, Rin was crying away from us trying to forget that her teammate was about to die.

my pov

Obito reached his hand up to Kakashi's face and places his hand on Kakashi's cheek "I will always be with you Kashi, I just won't be alive." Kakashi didn't know what to do about Obito, he didn't want anyone else to die, especially not Obito, but there was nothing he could do "just do a favor real quick" Kakashi felt Obito start to pull down his mask, and he let him "smile for me" Obito said with a small smile, Kakashi didn't know how it was possible for Obito to smile at a time like this, Kakashi did his best to smile for his lover, but it was hard to see the love of your life dying in front of you, and all you can do is sit there and smile for them just one last time. When Kakashi smiled Obito started to cry but kept smiling "now...make me a promise, I know I couldn't keep mine as you wanted, but I need you to make me this promise..." Obito coughed up blood and Kakashi quickly held his hand tight, Obito looked back at Kakashi and smiled again "promise me, that whenever you think of me, you won't hate yourself, instead, smile." Kakashi didn't know if he could keep up with that promise, but he wanted to do whatever he could to make Obito's death a happy one "I-Ill do my best" Kakashi said "if you ever feel sad or anxious, continue to play with your ring, it will help you" Obito said placing his hand back onto Kakashi's cheek, Kakashi put his hand onto Obito's and nodded "your really beautiful Kakashi, don't ever forget that, I just wanted to see how beautiful you were...for the last time..." Obito reached his hand down to his eye (ok ya we know what happens Obito pulls out his eye but I'm not putting that in detail, I just can't) Kakashi did a small gasp "take my eye, and replace it with your left one, then, ill always be with you Kakashi" Kakashi took Obito's eye (I have no idea what he did with it but whatever) "Kakashi, the caves ganna collapse soon!" Kakashi didn't want to let go of Obito's hand, he wanted to stay with him. "it's ok can go...don't be scared anymore" Kakashi pulled his mask up knowing he had to leave soon "dammit!" Kakashi yelled "Kakashi we have to go!" Rin said crying "I love you Bakashi...don't ever forget that...." Obito said almost whispering but Kakashi could hear him "I love you to Obito..." and with that Kakashi finally let go, it was the most painful thing for him to do, but he didn't have a choice. Kakashi and Rin ran out of the cave, until, Kakashi got an image of Obito's face, he was smiling, he looked back to see rocks about to cover the entrance "NO!" Kakashi said running back to the cave, by the time he was 5 inches to the cave, the rocks all collapsed onto each other, making Kakashi fly back. Kakashi sat up quickly, only to see no way in, Obito was dead. Kakashi cried and he couldn't stop, Rin fell on her knees and sobbed as well.

1 day later, Rin and Kakashi reached Konoha, Minato's pov

"I don't care that you ganna send a search party tomorrow, I need to find those kids and I need to do it now!" my students have been missing for 1 and half days, they wouldn't let me go look for them and I need to go find them so there ok, Kushina went with me today to see if she could do anything, but nothing was working. "Look, we can't have you go out and get yourself hurt and search for you too!" the guy at the front desk yelled, I was about to say something until I felt Kakashi's presents, I looked over at the gates and I saw them walking up to the gate, me and Kushina both ran to them and hugged them "thank god you guys are ok, wait, wheres Obito?" I asked looking around, Kakashi fainted and we all started to panic, Rin started to cry "what's wrong? wheres Obito? what happened!?" I could feel myself getting anxious "Obito...he's...." Rin broke down into tears and Kushina just comforted her, me and Kushina looked at each other and we knew what had happened....Obito was dead. I told Kushina that we didn't know the details so we will wait until tomorrow to see what all happened, but until then we need to get them into bed to rest.

Kakashi's pov

"Hey, bunny~" Obito said playing with my hair like he always does "Obitooooo, someone will see us" I pouted, he just smiled and I blushed and looked away. "hey Kashi" I looked over "yeah?" I stepped back and started to sweat and cry "you'll keep your promise right?" Obito's right eye was shut with blood coming out, all the memories of Obito's death came back, Obito started to walk towards me "right...Kakashi?" I woke up sweating and crying, I look around to see I was in my bed 'Obito is still here right? it was all just a dream....' I said getting up and walking into the bathroom to wash the sweat off of my face, I looked in the mirror, I was in disbelief, and started to cry 'it wasn't a was all...real' I saw Obito's Sharingan in my left eye. I started to panic and I fell on the floor, trying to breathe, trying to forget everything, trying not to cry. I felt someone touch my shoulder, I turned around hoping it was wasn' was Minato "Kakashi is everything ok?" I didn't know what to say "is Obito...dead?...." I asked, hoping he was still alive somehow...Minato just looked sad "I'm sorry Kakashi, Obito Uchiha is dead..." I couldn't believe any of it, I pulled my knees close to me and tried to forget everything, Minato just hugged me and told me everything was going to be ok, I never did believe those words if I didn't hear them from Obito....after Minato stayed and told me that he had a medical ninja perform surgery in my sleep (ok I know you cant really do that while there asleep but why not) he stayed for a little bit until he thought I was stable enough to be alone, I wasn't stable at all, but I made a promise to Obito before he died and I'm going to do my best to keep it, even if it hurts...I went into the bathroom and pulled down my mask to wash my face since I never did do that, once I dried my face off, I looked in the mirror. This time, it wasn't my Obito's eye that I was so scared and hurt to look was my own face, I looked at myself for one second, and I could hear Obito's voice 'your so beautful Kakashi' 'you know iv always heated that mask' 'im ganna burn that damn mask, its hiding the face I love to see the most'....and that was the last time...I have ever looked at my face...

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