「18」 "When two Oreos meet"

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Fucking shit yes, but, to keep y'all Origins fans alive, here's your daily dose of food, (a new chapter), e n j o y  /nf 

Artemis's POV : 

 He woke up, no, he was up, he never slept. Ever. He normally designed and decorated all night, for costumes and stuff. But, to admit, it's pretty cool. 

 Artemis missed Shino. Ever since they announced that he was gone. Forever. That made his heart shatter into a million pieces. Meaning he would never see him again. 


 Until, he heard a thud. 'Did Rikku fall again?!? Oh no-' He got up, off of the chair, and stretched. His bones cracked, in a good way, of course. He then opened the door, going down the stairs.

 Artemis went to the door of Rikku's room, and knocked. "H-Hello? Rikku? Are you there?" He asks gently. 

 No noise was heard in her room.

 'Oh, I suppose she's asleep then.'  He thought. He then went up the stairs, to the kitchen, realizing she could've been there.

 Artemis went towards the kitchen, and then saw...who? They looked identical to Artemis, but their eyes looked quite...you couldn't see their eyes. Or mouth. They were covered with sunglasses and a mask.

  Immediately Artemis let out a yell of terror. He knew they were probably just harmless, but that didn't stop Artemis from suspecting the worst. "W-who are yo-u!?!?" Artemis stammered. The two toned hair, identical to him answered, "Who are you?" They answered more calmly, but their tone sounded a bit panicked. "Promise you won't hurt me..?" He questioned with a mutter. "Why would I do such a thing? I don't even know who you are—unless you're Dream.." Artemis was confused. Who is Dream? 

  "D-Dream? Like a dream you have?" He questioned. 

  They sighed, knowing he knew nothing. "I'll tell you later, but can you help me find a—uh small, short teen, has ram horns, and a fluffy tail?" They questioned. He tilted his head. 'Ram horns? I only know that Yuki has ram horns...or was it devil horns? And a fluffy tail? No. That's not.' 

  "How about we...both find whoever that you're looking for?" Artemis suggested. They shrugged. "If you want, then sure." Artemis nods. "Then let's go!" He says, motioning Ranboo to follow him. They followed, and out the dorms they went.

  It was quite late, 10pm to be exact. But, the two kept searching. "Tubbo??" They yelled. "Tubbo! Your friend is here to find you!" He exclaimed. The two then both heard rustling noises, as if someone were in a bush. "W-who's there?!" They blurted. "Chill it's just me Boo." The person who looked exactly as Ranboo described, came out.

  "TUBBO! OH MY GOD YOU SCARED ME—" They hugged (wholesome or organs.) the tiny one. The other one laughed, "I'll be okay Boo, no need to worry about the all mighty Tubbo!" His (Artemis) heart melted at the sight, it reminded him of him and Shino. "Well, it seems you found each other! Then I best be going," He says, waving to the two. "Farewell Artemis! And thank you for helping me find him/them!" Ranboo says. "Thanks for helping Ranboo! He tends to forget a lot!" The other one hollered, which led into more laughing.

  Artemis then walked back to his dorm, and went up the stairs to his dorm. He then yawned, and continued to do his designs, but, later on, fell asleep.


It's just I've been busy with stuff—and I'm really sorry. /gen

But, at least I got this crappy chapter out, probably less words than my other chapters but—I tried okay-I got lazy and the ending- 

-Brook :]

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