Chapter 40

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Back in the hotel room, Y/N and Alexa were seen cuddling on the couch with one of their favorite movies playing. Despite the intensity of the Pay-Per-View still in mind and, in Y/N's case, body they decided to stay up a little longer. Not only because of that alone, but because Y/N also had something to ask his fiancè. It was another step to develop their relationship and expand their personal living quarters whenever they wouldn't be on tour for a longer while. So when the movie reached one of the less interesting moments, the tall man turned so he could see Alexa in her glory.

 So when the movie reached one of the less interesting moments, the tall man turned so he could see Alexa in her glory

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Y/N:" Hey Lexi?"

Alexa:" Yes, honey?"

Y/N:" I've been thinking about something and wanted your opinion on it. As wrestlers we're constantly on the road, away from home and all that, but staying in hotels all the time is getting boring."

Alexa:" Yeah, we've seen the same old walls over and over again."

Y/N:" Right? And there will come a time when either one of us is injured or we take a break for another reason. So I thought...what if we would buy our own house? With a garden, a nice backyard, maybe a jacuzzi."

Alexa:" That would be great, Y/N. Maybe in the Tampa area, so we can stay close to my family."

Y/N:" That's just what I thought. In case they wanna come over, they wouldn't have to go far and when they wanna babysit, it's also good for us."

Alexa:" I can agree on that. Did you find anything yet?"

Y/N:" I actually haven't even looked yet, because I wanted to know your thoughts first."

Alexa giggled and raised an eyebrow at Y/N being that considerate about wanting to buy a home with her

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Alexa giggled and raised an eyebrow at Y/N being that considerate about wanting to buy a home with her. It was a big surprise late at night right now, so she had to take a moment to fully grasp it before cuddling closer to her man again.

Alexa:" I love you for being so kind and caring."

Y/N:" Dawww, I love you more for a lot of things."

Alexa:" Maybe we can take a look at houses that are available when RAW is over for the week. I mean there have to be some nice places to choose hehe."

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