Chapter 47

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The weekend has come and theyoung couple took it upon themselves right now to relax after a few very busy days. They had radio interviews and TV show appearances as well, so taking things easier for a while was definitly needed. Alexa was already on the couch with a blanket around her and zapping through what Disney+ had to offer while Y/N was in the kitchen, preparing something to drink. He smiled when he looked at Alexa, her belly grew nicely and without any conplications whatsoever according to the doctor. So it really seemed like everything was going to work out well. Y/N soon made it to the couch as well and put down two mugs of hot chocolate on the coffee table.

 Y/N soon made it to the couch as well and put down two mugs of hot chocolate on the coffee table

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Alexa:" Oooh, hot choccie!"

Y/N:" Just the way you like it, sweetheart."

Alexa:" You're amazing, dear. I browsed through what Disney+ has already. Any favorites?"

Y/N:" Weeell, I'm a sucker for Cars actually, so why not watch one of these movies?"

Alexa:" Cars it is!"

The excitement in her voice was enough for Y/N to feel comfortable again. After being on the road for so long and either having matches, doing interviews or other events, he needed at least the weekend to calm down and recover. With Alexa by his side, a smile was seen on his face when the beautiful blonde cuddled up to him and rested her head on his chest.

Alexa:" How are you doing though after Victor's last attack?"

Y/N:" I'm okay so far. He got me good, but it comes with the job. Plus we know what we're doing, so don't worry."

Alexa:" On Monday, the Bucks are your opponents though. Do you have a partner in mind?"

That question just caused Y/N to smirk and lean back, keeping a bit of a mystery while Alexa shook her head in amusement. She understood that he wanted to keep the surprise and by the looks of things, even fans online haven't figured out yet who will team with him.

 She understood that he wanted to keep the surprise and by the looks of things, even fans online haven't figured out yet who will team with him

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The pregnancy itself was going quite well so far too. Alexa went through the usual symptoms of mood swings, nausea, binge eating and more, so sleepless night were no rarity anymore at this point. She felt sorry for keeping Y/N awake so many times and making him work more than usual. Y/N didn't mind though as he held her close and kissed the top of her head.

Y/N:" We'll make it through, Lexi. We've got each other after all."

Alexa:" I know...but you can barely sleep whenever we're home."

Y/N:" I'll catch up on that sooner rather than later, honey. If I have to bend myself backwards, so you and our daughter are okay, then so be it."

Alexa:" Are you sure? I don't want you to break down or something."

Alexa only had a small smile on her face this time as a few tears formed in her eyes

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Alexa only had a small smile on her face this time as a few tears formed in her eyes. She was so happy to have a guy like Y/N in her life who understood and supported her in every situation. It took him wiping the tears away and looking into her eyes first before he reassured her.

Y/N:" Alexa, my love. No matter what, no matter when, no matter where. I'll be there for you in every situation. I don't care about sleepless nights, moodswings or whatever. I care about you being okay in every sense of the word."

Alexa:" But-"

Y/N:" I may look exhausted, yes. But it's a small token, compared to having you, Little Miss Bliss, as the mother of our child and my soon-to-be wife. And I'll be damned, if I fail to meet expectations."

That and a soft kiss sealed the deal for now as Alexa nodded and calmed back down, listening to Y/N's heartbeat for more comfort

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That and a soft kiss sealed the deal for now as Alexa nodded and calmed back down, listening to Y/N's heartbeat for more comfort. Y/N always had a way with words when he was with people that mattered to him. Fans and co-workers were very supportive of their relationship as well which was a great sign. It was only a matter of time until everything would be kicked into higher gear for the couple.


In the morning, Alexa was just in her pajamas as she made her way to the kitchen. She didn't sleep too well once more, but was thankful that Y/N prepared breakfast for her already.

Alexa:" I really hit the target with this adorable dork."

Smiling, she turned on the radio and then sat down to eat while Y/N was in the nearby park, meditating. He was resistent against stress for the most part, but when his limit was reached, isolation for just a few hours was key to calm his mind, body and soul.

 He was resistent against stress for the most part, but when his limit was reached, isolation for just a few hours was key to calm his mind, body and soul

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Y/N:" I might not know where the story goes. All I know is it will end with me...and until then I'll be the best person I can truly be."


A short and sweet one today to get back into it, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! 😁

Who do you think Y/N's Tag Team partner will be? Any guesses into the comments please!

See you on the next one! 😄

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