Chapter 43

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With RAW being overseas in Manchester, England, the show was bound to draw in a crowd sooner or later. Y/N was set to fight AJ Styles that night, but after last week's beatdown everyone knew that Victor and the rest of his crew would be close by. Y/N was outnumbered at the current state and finding people to go against them would be difficult enough in its own right.

For now though, Y/N and Alexa were in their private lockerroom, trying to remain calm as the Manchester crowd cheered when the show came back from commercial. It was almost time for the main event after all, so the tension was high.

 It was almost time for the main event after all, so the tension was high

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Alexa:" Victor is our friend, don't forget that. So are Adam and AJ."

Y/N:" It's nothing personal. It's just business every week. I know that."

Alexa:" You've beaten Adam before, we recall that. But AJ is a different man."

Y/N:" I'll give it my best, Lexi. And with you cheering me on from back here, it will be even better."

Alexa:" Little charmer, you."

Alexa giggled and the two soon enveloped each other in a loving hug. Ever since moving into their new home and everything being set up, things have been going really well. Alexa's pregnancy progressed further without any problems, Bob and Angela came over to visit last week. Overall, the future looked really bright for them all.

Kissing Alexa's forehead, Y/N made sure she still knew how much she meant to him

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Kissing Alexa's forehead, Y/N made sure she still knew how much she meant to him. After that weird fangirl encounter and a few exchanges online with other fans, everyone knew the couple could be savage as all hell and their relationship with each other stayed strong through any storm.

Y/N:" I love you so much, Alexa."

Alexa:" I love you even more, Y/N."

Y/N:" If I didn't have a match tonight, I'd just snuggle with you until the end of the show."

Alexa:" Hahaha awww, you softie. You're adorable."

Y/N:" That's what you get, sweetheart."

Alexa:" And I wouldn't have it any other way, my love."

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