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~flight day~

my mum is driving me to the airport, the day has finally come. it was quite a long drive but i was beyond excited to see josh and kayleigh, but small issue.. kayleigh doesn't know that me and josh are practically in love with each other again, she is going to freak out, in a bad way.

as i reach the airport i say goodbye to my parents and they wish me best of luck. i hess. over to check in and go to my terminal and i shoot josh a quick 'i love you' text just incase the plane crashes. lol.

i'm boarding the plane, this was going to be long, it's 12am and i'm on a plane, how am i meant to sleep? ugh. i guess i'll be watching movies all night, in fact, it's morning.. even worse.

my plane lands, i didn't die! yay me! anyways, i'm meeting josh soon as he is my ride home but it's so late, it's almost 2am and i haven't slept at all. i ring up josh and ask where he is, he's not even on the way, great.

i guess i'll be here for a bit longer then expected, that was until i felt someone's arms snake around my waist. it was a familiar pair of hands, it was josh. i hug his torso tightly, i've missed this boy so much.

"ive missed you babe" he says as he slowly leans in

"where's my kiss?" i pout

he leans in and soon our lips smash together, his hand grips my waist whilst his other hand is tangled in my hair. i snake my arms around his neck with one hand playing with his hair. he broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes we stayed like this with our foreheads touching and looking deep into each other's eyes for at least a minute. we were both out of breath and gasping for air, but i wanted more. he was so tall, for me at least, i'm 5'6 and he's 5'11 so i tug in his shirt signalling for him to lend down a bit so our lips could meet again. we practically make out in the middle of the airport, some people giving us disgusted looks, but i didn't care.

i break the kiss and burry my head into his lanky torso trying to hide from all the people staring, he was very out of breath but managed to hug me back snaking his arms around my waist, he always knew i loved that. i give him a quick peck before speaking to him again.

"thankyou, i've missed you so much and i never knew i needed you so bad." he confesses in that strong accent of his which you found adorable

"i needed you more, i felt empty for two months without you" you reply with a ridiculously big grin on your face.

"i love you babe" he says smiling widely

"i love you more, but im so tired can we leave, we also have quite the crowd.." his smile fades as he sees that some fans have been filming us.

"what's up bby" you ask with a concern look on your face

"b- behind you" he says bluntly

"let's go, don't speak to them please" you beg as you can see the anger growing in his eyes.

he was about to move out of your embrace until you griped onto his arm and quickly grab your suitcase. he looks at you, confused.

"let me take that for you babe" he says insisting that he takes the case.

"you can go to your place, i'll unpack, you need some sleep bby" you say still clinging onto his arm as you make your way towards his car

"can't you do that tomorrow? stay at my place, please" he says almost begging

"don't you live with max though?" you ask

"he won't remember you, he's probably asleep as well, don't worry about him, you have me my love" he says sweetly smiling whilst opening the door to the passenger seat of the car for you

"are you sure josh?" you ask making your way inside as he jogs around the car to sit in the drivers seat.

"i promise" he replies calmly squeezing your hand for reassurance.

"if you say so, but if he's awake then i'm out, deal?" you ask grabbing onto his arm again

"fine then, i'm going to need one hand to drive though saph" he says letting out a laugh

i blush a little realising how clingy i've become without him, i'm so embarrassing i stg.

"hey hey don't be embarrassed my dear" he says keeping his eyes on the road

he knows how to make you blush, he knows exactly what he's doing. you draw patterns onto his arm and hand, his hoodie was so soft, i wanted to wear it so bad.

you couldn't let go of his arm, no matter how much your brain was telling you too, you couldn't. you glanced over at him, smiling to himself whilst keeping his eyes on the road. you let go of his arm and started fidgeting with your rings

"everything okay?" he asks with a look of worry

"y- yeah i'm fine" you reply with flashing a fake smile

he saw straight through your lies and pulled over to the side of the road.

"no baby, don't lie to me. what's up?" he asks

you look at him with innocent eyes, he becomes lost in your beautiful blue eyes and you lean across to kiss him, he almost instantly kissed back.

"i just wanted another kiss" you say smiling to yourself

josh laughs, his adorable laugh made you blush. your sich a simp for him. he started driving again until we reach his apartment.

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