Chapter 5

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Julianna pov :

"You had a sex dream of Mr.Valentine" Maeve way to happily says.

"Calm down , now don't go around saying it like it's a good thing" I say as I clean my snipper.

"Okay okay so what are you going to do?" She asks.

"There's nothing to do about a dream Mae Mae , it just means I need to get laid" I chuckle.

"Okay then do you have any options?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Well didn't you want to go to a club you mentioned of? I can probably find someone there unless you know someone who is willing to have sex with me?" I look at her with a fake smile.

Why are we talking about sex?

"I mean I know someone but you'd probably say the club" she hesitantly says.

"Oh yea like who?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Um he's in your gang , dirty blondish hair, goes by the name of red" she says quietly but not too quiet.

I start laughing until I see her not laughing with "your serious?".

She nods.

"We May flirt a lot but that's just me and red there's no sexual attraction Maeve" I go back to cleaning.

"Very funny, red would literally fuck you if you gave him the chance Jules and you know that" she says.

She's right, but I never thought of having sex with Red. I don't wanna ruin our friendship, he's like my third in command if me and Maeve died.

"Maybe , how about this, me, you, red and some of the others go out and I'll ask him to dance and if I feel attracted like that then I'll make a move" I sigh.

"YES" Maeve says.

"Make a move on who?" A voice says behind us.

I naturally grab a gun and make sure it's off safety and point it at the mystery person.

"RED" me and Maeve yell in sync.

"Easy there I don't wanna die just yet" he smirks.

"God damn it red" I sigh.

"Aye sorry I was coming to train in the gym" he smiles.

"No your fine just scared the crap out of me, anyways you trynna go clubbing later with me and some others?" I ask.

"Yeah sure what time?" He asks.

I turn to Maeve "uh 7ish" she smiles.

He nods and heads downstairs to the training room.

"Well then looks like we are gonna be having some fun" she smiles.

"Yeah whatever" I roll my eyes and smile.

"I'll bring there girls and we will get ready at yours so we will be there around five" she says and grabs her purse and kisses me on cheek.

"Bye babe" I smile softly.

Well then, fuck me.

Later at six

"Hey babe" Maeve says as she walks into my room with vi , Cassidy and Kim.

"Hey girls" I smile as I am picking out my outfit.

"Okay so what are you wearing? You gotta impress red" Maeve says with a huge smile on her face.

"Why red?" Kim asks.

Maeve looks at me asking if she can tell them. I just nod.

I trust them, I wouldn't have picked them for my gang if I didn't.

"You can't tell the boys" I say seriously.

"So this morning she woke up by having a hot sexy wet dream about Mr. Valentine!" Maeve squeals like a high school girl.

"Wait Valentine, why does that name sound familiar?" Cassidy asks.

"The only Valentine I know is the guy you hate, what's his name?" Kim says.

"Giovanni Valentine, they guy we met at the docks and the one you signed an alliance with, that's the only Valentine I know" Violet says.

They look at me and there eyes widen.


"Yes" I mumble not proud.

"Damn I mean I would too , shit if he wasn't your enemy I'd totally let him rail me" Kim sighs.

I roll my eyes.

"Wait so when does red come into this?" Vi asks.

"Well I said she needs to get laid, and she didn't feel like hooking up with a stranger right now so I said why not someone who flirts with her constantly and is a good looking guy" Maeve says as she finishes up her makeup.

"I mean that's true you guys flirt a lot , and red is pretty good looking" Cassidy says.

"Is that why the boys are coming out?" Vi asks.

"Yes they are" I say as I add my dark red lipstick.

"Well then lets go have some fun and make sure you are looking hot for red" they all smile.

Oh dear god.

I hate using Raiden (red) like this but I do need to get laid and Raiden is some one I trust.

I've hooked up with randoms before but I don't want a random hookup right now I want someone I know and to have fun with.

And that just happens to be Red.


This is not a love triangle I repeat not a love triangle!

I dislike love triangles because I would have too choose who I want more and of course there gonna make one the better one and then sometimes they end up with the person I didn't want them too. Lol

That's why this is not a love triangle this is just simply a one time thing or maybe not......

But just wanted to clarify that 😅❤️

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