Chapter 25

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Giovanni pov:

A week.

That's how long it's been since we have been back at home.

Since Julianna has been released from the hospital in Russia.

Since Kimberley has died.

Since the Germans took violet and Reina.

And a week since Julianna has became a fucking reck.

She's been working non stop to find them, don't get me wrong I want them back too but she hasn't slept in almost four days straight.

She's been drinking coffee, monsters, Red Bulls , pretty much anything that will keep her up.

She's been killing people because they won't give her answers.

She basically pushed everyone away.

And as of right now she is in my office, working her ass off to find his location.

"Jules" I say but no answer.


"JULIANNA!" I yell making her finally look up.

She's looks tired.

"What do you want Giovanni" she says as she continues typing and writing down notes.

"Take a break" I say handing her water.

She sighs and runs her hands through her long blonde hair "gio I already said stop trying to make me stop, I need to get them back and I have a lead".

I give her a confusing look making her understand.

"I found where they are but not the exact location" she says as she waves for me to come next to her.

"Italy?" I say confused.

"Yup" she says.

"Why Italy?" I ask.

"Honestly I don't know, maybe because I was born there and so was Reina I mean maybe he thought I wouldn't began to think of Italy" she says.

"Well this is good right? We finally have a lead" I say as look at her with a happy look.

"Yes but that's not the main thing I need" she says happy but not.

"Julianna we just found something , that should count" I say.

"Gio if you were in my shoes you'd be freaking out" she says standing up.

"One of my gang member's also close friend and DAUGHTER'S life is in his hands" she says sitting on top of the desk.

Before I could say something Elijah comes bursting in "Boss, we have been sent something".

He hands Julianna a note and she reads out loud " just because I'm so nice here's a little help to figure out where I am, also here's a little picture for you"

"I'm in a place hidden but a place you can't forget , p.s he was killed by my hands there."

She then takes out the picture that was sent.

It was the girls in a corner crying and cuddled up together. There clothes dirty and there hair is messy. They look so tired.

Then was another picture of the room they are in.

"Oh my god" Julianna whispers out.

"What?" Elijah asks.

"I know where they are" she says looking up.

"Elijah get the mafia and vipers ready and packed and set two planes ready to leave by tomorrow morning to Italy" Julianna adds as she grabs her phone and the note from my hand and walks out.

"Where are they?" I ask following her.

"It's a hidden warehouse my dad owns but never used anymore because it wasn't his main ones" she says rushing to her room.

"And what's the plan huh? You'd can't just make plans to leave with out setting a plan" I say getting annoyed with how fast she is rushing this.

"There is no plan, once we get there we head straight there so when we board the plan wear what u need and have weapons ready, once we are there your men hide while mine do and I head in with a mic and when I give my go you guys come and attack, there is that a plan" she says as he zips up her suitcase.

I grab her hands and make her face me "would you slow down! God Julianna I know how important this is to you but you don't even know if your walking into a trap!" I snap at her.

"Fuck off Giovanni because I will do this with or without you, and I don't think you do understand THIS IS MY DAUGHTER AND FRIEND!" She says pissed and pushes my hands off of her.

"YES I DO BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE REINA AS IF SHE IS MINE!" I yell making her look at me weird.

"You don't mean that, you known her for what over two months?" She scoffs.

"And she's just that cute that I love her like my own Julianna, I'm not trying to be her dad but I do love and care for her" I say.

"I hate you , I hate how you've become such an important person in her life, I hate how I don't wanna hate you as much, I hate you because even though your such a dick you can  be the sweetest person ever but I really fucking hate you" she says calmly which is kinda terrifying.

Before I could say something AGAIN Reggie barges in "boss we found the rat".

Oh yea did I mention that we have a rat telling the Germans our plans and shit.

Julianna clenches her jaw once he said the name.

"Where the fuck is he" I say beyond angry.

I'm blood shed angry.

Violet pov:

I think it's been a week.

Since we been here. No food. Just water.

And Reina is getting skinny. She's tired and drained.

They said they wouldn't touch us. But that was a lie. Kind of.

Instead of Reina I chose to be tortured instead as her replacement.

They said it's for how many days it takes for her to find us.

Sick bastards.

I'm so fucking drained.

"Yes thank you" Otto says as he hangs up the phone and walks towards us.

"Well looks like there coming , they found us and I know all thanks to my little spy in the vipers" he smirks.


"Who?" I ask.

He says the name making me tear up.

There's no way.


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