Chapter 22

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This chapter contains violence

Narrator pov:

When Julianna came back from the room she totally forgot about having to use the restroom as she gets distracted from what she is seeing in the ball room.

Bodies on the floor, people fighting, gunshots ringing through her ears.

She speaks into her mic "why didn't you guys say anything!" She yells as she grabs her gun from under the dress.

"Figured you were busy but boss it's the Russians that attacked" Red says.

"Figured" she whispers as she joins.

"Julianna what's going on?!" Gio says in the mic as he came back from dealing with the body.

"Russians attacked" she says as shooting.

As she shoots and attacks back she hasn't even noticed that she still has been shot in the shoulder and is loosing blood but cant feel it from all the adrenaline.

"Is that all you got" Julianna yells at one of Russians before he starts shooting at her.

She doges and shoot as she made it right in the head and starts looking around at the chaos that has risen.

Across the big ball room she spots Vladimir with a smirk on his face and a gun in his hand .

He starts walking towards her as she does the same to him with her gun aiming at him.

She starts shouting as he does the same but keep missing as people get in the way.

"Julianna don't" red says in the mic.

"BOSS" Cassidy yells.

She doesn't listen and still starts walking faster shooting.

"Jules" Maeve whispers in the mic.

While this is happening everyone is fighting but the vipers and Spanish mafia all worry for Julianna as she is going one on one with The Russian mafia leader.

Gio stands in the middle room fighting but is worrying for her.

Julianna and Vladimir are at a good distance where they can shoot each other.

As there shooting and only focusing on each other everyone else around them became a distant sound to them.

Julianna wants him dead for everything he's done to her family and killing someone she loved. She's doing this for revenge.

As for Vladimir he wants the same but for different reasons and one of them being he just wants her. As his wife, and to give him an heir.

Before Julianna knows it her gun is knocked out of her hand and slides across the floor.

"Shit" she whispers and looks at Vladimir.

"Well that's not far is it love" he chuckles as a hand is around her throat now.

She's grab his wrist trying to keep some of the pressure of her throat and reaches in her thigh or at least trying.

She pushes him to ground and she straddles him and grab the dagger she also brought under her dress and stabs him in the stomach making him let go.

She takes the chance and punches him in the face over and over.

He flips them over as he chokes her again and takes the dagger from his stomach and stabs her and twists it making her whimper.

"What a beautiful sound красотка, but for the wrong reason" he says with a grin twisting the dagger even more. (Beautiful girl)

She whimpers again "fuck you".

"Look around pretty girl, your friends and Gio's mafia fighting for their lives and here you are with a dagger in your stomach" he says making her look at her friends and gio shooting at people.

"What a shame that your daughter didn't come" he chuckles making Julianna turn her head to him.

She chokes a little "you know about her?".

"Of course, precious reina" he says taking the dagger out making her choke a little on blood that started coming out of her mouth.

"But lucky for you she isn't the one I want but if I have to at some point I will use her as black mail" he says grabbing his gun.

But as he wasn't paying attention Julianna looked over at Maeve who is looking at her and she gives her a little nod making her slide over a gun making Julianna grab it and hide it behind her as she stands up in pain.

"You know Vladimir your the most psychotic person I ever met, using kids as black mail, wanting me to give you an heir" she chuckles as she holds her stomach but ignoring the agony pain and letting the Adrenaline take over again.

"But I will never let that happen to me or anyone" she smirks and shoots him multiple times making him fall to the ground.

Julianna pov :

"Boss there's a bomb about to go off" Kim says.

"What how you know" I say walking towards them as pretty much everyone is dead or is running out side.

"Look over there" Elijah says pointing to the stairs.

I look over and see the German mafia leader with a grenade in his hand and a bomb at the end of the stairs.

Well he's stupid.

The German leader runs down with a smirks and throws the grenade and just then the bombs makes a ticking sound.

"RUN" I yell.

We all run to the front just before the bomb blows up and make it towards the cars out of breath.

We look back at each other and starts laughing and smiling "we did it".

I pull the vipers into a hug and laugh.

I turn around and hug Giovanni.

"Guys where's Kimberley?" Red asks.

"W-what?" I stutter.

I turn around and I feel my eyes water.

"No, no no no" I say walking a little closer to the the building that's on fire as people run out.

I turn back around to the vipers who either  have their hand on there mouth or their hands on their knees "your telling me she didn't make it out!".

"Well she isn't here what else do you think Jules!" Red yells.

"Fuck you red nows not the time, I have to go back in there and get her" I say running towards the burning building.

"JULIANNA NO!" Maeve yells in tears

"JULES!" Gio yells.

I start coughing as I'm in the burning building looking around at the dead bodies I finally spot kim as she is laying on the floor with blood around her.


I grab her body and drag her out as I'm still coughing.

I'm met at the front with gio and Elijah who grabs her and Carry's her towards the rest of us and gio helps me walk.

"Guys she isn't breathing and lost a lot of blood" Elijah says.

I'm feeling dizzy.

"G-guys I think I'm loosing a lot of blood" I say as I look down at my dress that was blue now covered in blood.

"Oh my god Julianna!" Maeve yells and catches my head before I fall and hit the floor.

"Hurry call the ambulance, Elijah and Maeve stay the rest go back to the hotel" is the last thing I heard before it went dark.


Well what a crazy chapter.

Uh have fun with the next chapter 🥲.

Sorry for any bad spelling and bad grammar

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