Chapter 2

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Giovanni pov~

"Dude the only person with good weapons is Julianna" my bestfriend says as he rubs his temple.

We have been looking for arms dealers or other mafias who have the weapons we need but either they don't have it or they want so much fucking money from us and that just leaves us with Julianna Hernandez.

We met in Spain both of us trying to kill the same person. And that obviously didn't go well. 

Always arguing, competing even if we are two different things , a mafia leader and an assassin , she was in the mafia in fact a mafia princess but ran from it and became the number one the most feared Assassin, she made a name for her self and as much as I hate her I respect her for that.

"Yeah and you think Julianna is just going to randomly trade us with weapons?" I groan.

I really need these weapons.

Fuck it "email her as me and see when or if she responds".

Hours later

"Aye she responded" Elijah Bursts into my office.


"And she said okay 8 pm sharp" he says out of breath.

Wait really?

"Alright then gather a few of my men and tell them".


After meeting with Julianna.

We just traded some weapons for weapons and now heading to the warehouse to unload.

"That was woah" Elijah chuckles.

I raise an eyebrow "what?".

"That sexual tension between the two of you , are you sure you hate her?" He winks like a fucking weirdo.

I roll my eyes "the tension of hate not fucking sexual tension idiot".

"Your oblivious I swear" he rolls his eyes this time.

Before I could get another word out the tires pop.

"Boss we are being attacked" my driver says from the front.


He pulls over.

I get out and see a note attached to an arrow that is now in my tire.

You have something I want Valentine, you and Ms.Hernandez , give it to me  and both your loved ones will be un harmed, sincerely the Russian and German mafia.

Fucking Russians and Germans.

"Eli text Julianna and tell her a meeting in my hotel office on Monday ten am sharp" I groan.

"On it"

"She said okay" he says.

I nod my head , to mad to speak.

What could they possibly want from me and Hernandez?

Julianna may be my enemy but the Russians and Germans are mine and hers biggest threat.

And they wanna play with fucking fire.I may be ruthless and so is Julianna but us teaming together and signing an alliance? now that they won't see coming, two enemy's powering up.

Monday morning

Me , Elijah and few of my men are at my hotel office waiting for Julianna.

It's almost ten , if she isn't here by that time heads will be cut off-

Before I can finish what I was saying my doors bust open with Julianna walking straight like she owns the damn world in black ripped jeans that hugged her good and white top that was see through showing her red lace bra.

"S-sorry sir but she just came up with out asking" my desk lady said.

"Thank you Angie but I'll take it from here" I nod for her to leave.

"Bitch" Julianna muttered.

"I said you and Maeve not the blondie" I glare at the blonde guy behind her who is standing straight with his arms behind his back.

"Yeah well it was he came or I didn't, now what the hell you want Valentine I got places to be and people to kill" she sits down in the chair next to me, Turing it to face me so we make eye to eye contact more better.

Maeve sits next to Elijah and the guy stands close behind Julianna. Damn can he like back off.

"Right anyway I called you for a meeting because I got a threat from the Russians and Germans" I sigh.

"And that has to deal with me how?" she tenses a little.

"Here read this" I hand her the note.

She reads it and I can see her clenching her jaw and her eyes  become a darker green.

"What are we suppose to do?" She sighs relaxing.

She hands the note to Maeve so she can read it.

"Jules you gotta be careful or else they will come after her too" Maeve says

Julianna nods in understanding

"I was thinking since they won't see it coming , join my mafia and yours gang even though your team is small your all skilled and have been in the underground for years. " I admit.

"So you want us to sign an alliance?" She sits back and bites her damn bottom lip.

Holy hell.

"Yes, if your up for it" I reply back.

"I don't know about this boss" the blonde says behind her.

"Who's the boss Leo? It's my team I'm your boss you don't make decisions here I do or Maeve does as my right hand man" Julianna snaps.

"You can't possibly agree to his terms , you hate him" Leo argues back.

"Leo shut up! I do hate him very much but shut it" she rolls her eyes.

"What's in it for me?" She scoots closer.

I need a cold shower damn it.

"You get to help take down two people we hate , the Russians and the Germans after that we won't ever have to see or hear from each other again" I instally regret saying that because little did I know how much she would change my life.

"What's in it for you" she asks.

"Taking them down for destroying my family with a beautiful girl by my side" I wink causing her to smirk and roll her eyes.

"I hate you" she tries not to smile.

"I hate you too , so deal?"

She takes a minute before answering. She looks over to Maeve in which they talk through there eyes. How do girls do that shit?

They both smirk and Julianna says "we have a deal, where's the damn papers for me to sign".

I hand them to her and she signs them with her beautiful hand writing.

"I'll text you for further discussions Mr.Valentine" she smiles then stands up.

"See you soon beautiful" I mutter to myself.

Well then, that was better than I thought.


HEY THERE ! If there is any bad spelling or grammar please comment so I can fix it 💕

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