Chapter 37

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Julianna pov:

Beep Beep Beep

Am I in a hospital?

I open my eyes and see bright lights.

After a minute of my eyes adjusting I look around.

But what finally caught my eye was my daughter curled up on a seat, sleeping.

And my fucking handsome boyfriend next to her.

"Gio?" I ask in a raspy dry throat.

"Baby?" He says looking up.

"Water" I say.

He gets up and hands me a cup of water, I drink in one gulp.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Home, told them I'd call when you wake up" he says holding my hand.

Is he crying?

"Babe, what's wrong?" I ask and grab his face to wipe the tear.

He shakes his head "you can't scare me like that, that's twice I could of lost you".

"You can't get rid of me" I smirk but he doesn't smile.

"You shouldn't have jumped in front of that bullet Julianna" he says seriously.

I scoff "and why the hell not?".

"Because you could of fucking died , then what Maeve would of lost her bestfriend, the vipers would of lost their friend/leader, Elijah would of lost a person he calls sister and Reina could of lost her mother" he says whisper yelling.

"And what about you?" I ask.

"What about me?"

"Who would you have lost huh?".

"I would of fucking lost my girlfriend, the person I-, I care about very much" he says lying on the last part.

He does care about me but for some reason he is lying on what he wanted to say.

"Yeah well I care about you too and I'd happily jump in front of a bullet again if it means your not in this bed Giovanni" I whisper yell back.

"You don't care if you die , do you?" He asks standing up.

"I do care gio, but I care about you as well" I say.

He runs his hand through his hair.

"Doesn't mean you take a bullet for me" he says.

"Yes it does, it fucking does because as much as we are taking things slow I'd take a bullet , a dagger , Anything for you because I fucking love you" I blurt out.

He looks at me wide eyes but before he could say anything Elijah and Maeve come in.

"Oh thank god your okay" Maeve says hugging me.

"Hey babe" I say to her hugging her back.

"Eli" I say with a smile and hug him.

Maeve looks between me and gio.

"Uh baby, can you and gio please go get us some coffee" maeve says.

"Sure, let's go" he says to gio.

Once they leave maeve looks over to reina still sleeping and smiles.

"Wanna tell me what me and Elijah just stopped?" She says.

I scoff and chuckle "just an argument about me jumping and taking the bullet".

"And he doesn't like your reasoning?" She asks.

"Nope" u say popping the P.

"But that's not the real reason why the tension is strong, tell me" she says with a smirk.

How does she know every time?

"I may or may have not blurted out I love you" I say looking down at my hands.

"YOU SAID WHAT" she whisper yelled.

"I told him that I love him by accident" I say throwing my head back.

"Did you mean it though?" She asks me.

"Of course I meant it, how could I not love him and his stupid good looking self, he makes me fucking happy but I didn't want to tell him while I'm in a hospital bed" I say groaning.

"I mean I understand but did he, you know say it back?" She asks.

"No , even if he were going to say it you guys walked in right after I said that" I sigh.

"Interesting" she says.

"You know something" I say eyeing her.

"What? Pff nooo" she says.

"Your a horrible liar Mae" I say.

"Lying about what?" Elijah says walking back in with gio.

"Nothing" we say at the same time.

"Mama?" Reina says waking up.

"Hi my love" I say as she crawls on my bed.

"Mama while you was s-sleeping dada cried" she said pointing at him.

"What , no I wasn't" gio said jokingly making me chuckle.

"I bet you were" I say making him smile.

"Says you reina, you were threating me" gio scoffs and playfully rolls his eyes.

"What!" I say.

"I said if he didn't m-man up I'd punch him" reina says.

"Good girl, yea man up big boy" I wink at him.

"Traitor" he scoffs.

"We are gonna go and tell the team that your awake and be back in the morning" Maeve says pushing Elijah out the door.

"Ow!" Elijah says making me laugh with reina.

Now it's us three again.

"I'm sorry I blurted that out, but I don't regret saying it because it's true" I say.

"No don't be sorry amor, I um I wanted to say it the right time but I guess it's now or never" he says sitting down next to me as I scoot over.

"I love you too Julianna, so so much" he says as I look up at him and kiss him.

"I love you and reina so much" he says making me tear up.

"Always and forever mi amore" I say leaning into his chest.

"I love you too dada" reina mumbles before she cuddles into me and falls back asleep.

"Oh my god I think I might die" I say looking up at him to see him cry.

"Why are you so emotional today" I chuckle.

He scoffs "I am not , but you both tell me you love me how am I suppose to react".

"Yeah well get use to it, because I love you" I say kissing his chest.

"Never stop saying it" he says as he falls asleep while rubbing my scalp.


This was cute....

Anyways lmk if there's any spelling errors.

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