Chapter 29

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Julianna pov:

My fucking legs and pussy hurt.

But I feel so comfy.

Right now I'm currently laying on Giovanni's chest as he is still sleeping. I would move but I'm comfy and I don't wanna wake him.

But I should probably shower.

I get up slowly and quietly to go to his bathroom.

Once I'm in I close the door , take my clothes off and put on the warm water.

I sigh as the water hits me.

For a couple minutes I enjoy the warm feeling and was about to grab the body wash until I felt hands grab my waist.

"I thought you left before I heard the water" gio whispers into my ear.

I hum "and why would I leave?".

"Thought maybe you would of regret it" he shrugs as I turn towards him.

"Do you?" I ask.

He shakes his head no "if I did why would I be in here with you".

"Touché" I say making him smile.

He pulls me into a gentle kiss.

Different from yesterday.

"I'm still sore" I say.

He chuckles "I figured, I just wanted a kiss".


After that we washed our bodies and hair just enjoying each other's company.

After we got dressed and head downstairs.

"Good morning love birds" Maeve says with a smirk.

I give her a look that says "how do you always know?".

She shrugs.

"What do you mean by that?" Elijah asks her as he sets the table with breakfast.

"They fucked" she says bluntly.

Elijah gasps since he likes to be dramatic.

"How do you always know?" I ask her this time out loud.

"I'm your bestfriend, plus those hickies on both your necks" she says with a smile.

I look over at Giovanni to give him a glare and he just laughs.

"Whatever, anyways how's my niece or nephew?" I ask sitting down.

"It's still early but so far he or she is great, the morning sickness though sucks ass" she says.

"Yea she threw up almost on my bed" Elijah says.

I smile at them as they kiss each other.

"I didn't even know you guys were fucking, or together you never made it seem like that" I say.

"Well at first it was harmless flirting but I guess once we moved in after while when you guys where doing something we hung out and got closer then it came down to you know and we decided to keep it low key, we became official when I told him I was pregnant" Maeve says.

"Well I'm happy for you, but Elijah hurt her and I'll chop off your dick so you can't have kids again" I say seriously making him gulp.

"MAMA! GIO!" I hear reina yell as she runs towards me.

I open my arms and catch her.

I give her kisses all over her making her laugh.

"M-Mama stop" she laughs.

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