Chapter 40

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Julianna pov:

It's been a day since Jade was born and they can come home today.

Just in time because it's Reina's birthday.

She is still sleeping while me, Giovanni and everyone else is decorating.

"Okay the bounce house should be here in ten minutes boss" Leo says as if making the cake.

"Okay thank you Leo and stop calling me boss Leo it's not official work" I chuckle at him.

"Yes bo- Yes Jules" he corrects himself.

I smile at him as he leaves the kitchen.

"The balloons, present table, snack table are all set up along with her princess chair" Violet says.

"Okay thanks Vi".

Once she leaves and I put the cake in the oven Reggie comes in.

"The three pizzas are on its way along with the soda" he says.

I sigh and smile "thanks Reg".

Before anyone else could come in I feel Gio's arms snake around my waist and his head on my shoulder giving me neck kisses.

"Stop stressing your self amore everything is going smoothly and she is still sleeping" he says to me making me sigh.

"I know I just want this to be perfect I haven't spent any of her birthdays with her" I say.

"It will be" he says kissing my neck again.

"It just sucks that she doesn't have any friends to invite" I say.

"Yea but she has uh and now jade" he says moving infront of me.

"Yea but jades a baby".

"And she's home" Maeve says walking in with Jade in her arms.

"Oh my god hi"I say hugging Maeve but making sure I don't squish the baby.

"Hi Jade" I coo at the baby.

"Hey the pizza and bounce house is all ready and everything is ready just needs the little devil" Cassidy says.

"Thanks Cass I'll go wake her up" I smile.

"I'll be back" I say then walk upstairs into our room where my little devil is sleeping peacefully.

"Baby, wake up gotta get ready for your party" I say shaking her gently.

"I up" she says rubbing her eyes then looking at me with her smile.

"Happy birthday my love" I say as she jumps up.

"LETS G-GET READY!" She yells happily.

"Okay put this outfit on and these shoes then I'll do your hair" I say as I get her hair stuff.

"Yes mama" she says changing.

"I done" she says.

"Here let me put your shoes on" I say bending down to help her.

Once I'm done with that I do her hair which takes about twenty minutes.

But I'm finally done.

"You ready Reina?" I ask as we walk towards the stairs.

She nods.

Once we get to the stairs we see our family all waiting for her at the end.

And Giovanni with a crown.

Once wet to the end Giovanni gives her a kiss on her forehead then puts the crown on her "happy birthday my little devil".

"Thanks dada" she mumbles.

Mr and Mrs Devil   *Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now