Chapter Eight

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Amara pov

Stefano is still asleep and I'm making him a nice hangover breakfast. Well... Eggs and toast.

I'm gonna need a little more time before I get close to Stefano again. What if someone tells him something again and he just believes what they say? Besides, he really hurt my feelings by saying I'm always alone.

I shrug my feelings off and take the breakfast and pills to him. As I enter the room, I'm met with a hungover Stefano holding his head in his hands.

I smile evily and make my way to him. I place the food on the table and smack the back of his head.

"Owww" he groans.

"Oh sorry, did that hurt?" I say sarcastically.

"Of course, my head is pounding" he says still frowning.

I place his food on his lap and hand the pills to him. He processes everything before silently starting to eat.

"Finish your food and leave, I already called Leonardo, he's on his way here to get you" I say before turning to leave.

"Wait!" he yells and immediately groans after that.

I turn back around to see him holding his head in pain. I smirk and wait for him to talk.

"Thank you" he says softly.

"K" I say before I leave.

It really hurt to act this cold to him but it's better for me this way.


Jeong - Morning princess, where are you?

Me - oh, so now you care about me?

Jeong - I'm sorry princess, I've been really really busy. Just tell me where you are... Please?

Me - At home, why?

Jeong - okay, see you soon princess.

Hangs up.

Oh my goodness, he's coming. Stefano needs to leave ASAP. Just then the bell rings.

I open the door and sigh in relief when I see Leonardo and I smile widely at the bubbly toddler in his arms.

I immediately take Marco from him and kiss his chubby cheeks.

"Hey jellybean, I missed you so so so much" I say before giving him a big kiss causing him to giggle.

"I miss Mawa too" he says back.

"Hey ummm, can I come in?" Leonardo says.

I laugh and step aside for him to enter. I close the door and walk to the living room with Leonardo following me.

"Aria told me what happened after I left." He says breaking the silence.

"Yep" I say.

"I'm sorry Amara, I don't know what came over him to say such things" he says looking at me with a apologetic look.

"It's not your job to apologize Leo, and besides he already apologized himself. I'm just not ready to move past it yet." I say.

"Dadda!" Marco yells.

He wiggles of my lap and runs to the living room opening where Stefano is standing scratching his head. As soon as Marco reaches his dad, he's lifted up and squeezed close to his father's chest. I internally 'awww' at the sight.

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