Chapter Ten

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Amara pov

Shit. It's the same Elaina.

I look at Stefano to see him frozen. I lightly pat his arm to get his attention. He looks at me and I smile softly.

"Why would she want you to stay away from me, she's the one who left me" he says.

"I don't know Stef, but don't worry. I'm not going anywhere, unless you want me to." I say reassuringly.

He lifts up our joined hands and place a kiss on mine.

"You're so beautiful, inside and out" he says.

"Mamma" Marco whines.

I look at him and smile before reaching out to take him from his stool. He tends to call me mamma when he's tired and I don't mind at all. My heart swells with joy whenever he does it but he doesn't do it any other times.

"My little baby tired?" I ask softly.

He hums and puts his face in my neck. I kiss his head and softly pat his back lulling him to sleep.

After a few minutes his breathing evens and he lightly snores. I kiss head and look up to see Stefano staring at me with a wide smile which shows his dimples.

"What?" I whisper.

"You're so good with him." he says.

"I love him" I say softly.

He smiles before standing up. I stand slowly and follow him to his car. I settle Marco in and kiss head before getting in the front.

"Thanks for joining us" Stefano says softly.

I can tell that he still feels bad about what happened but I'm honestly over it. I got the space that I needed and I'm ready to see what can happen.

"I enjoyed it Stef, even though... That happened. Next time we know not to come here." I say.

"Ne-next, ahem. Next time?" he asks.

"Of course. There will be a next time right?" I ask him.

"There will be" he says.


"Jeong Lee Park!" I yell immediately as I enter my house.

"Jeez, why are you yelling.

I give him our 'look' and he immediately knows what's about to go down.

After informing him about today's festivities, I'm surprised to see him with a chilled expression. I mean, isn't he supposed to be mad that the girl he's sorta 'dating', is trying to tear Stefano and I apart?

"I don't think it's the same person princess" he says.

My mouth drops open. Obviously it's the same person! She came from South Korea and she lives here!

"Are you dumb? " I ask him.

"Look, this Elaina of Stefano sounds like a bitch but she's definitely not the same person who takes me out to restaurants." he says.

"Oh? And who pays?" I ask.

"I do, but that's not the point. The point is, you're trying to make my Elaina to be this bad bitch Elaina of Stefano" he says angrily.

I scoff and try to get up but he pushes me back down.

"Look, I don't want us to ignore each other. You haven't met her and you have no idea what she looks like so... How about we go on a double date? I'll tell we're going with my sister and her date. If Stefano recognizes her..." he says drifting off.

"Fine! When?" I ask. I'm pissed that he doesn't believe me.

"How about... Sunday evening" he says.

I nod my head yes before leaving. I don't even know how Stefano will react to this.


The next day (Saturday)

I'm waiting for Marco. I can't wait to see my little jellybean. The thing about Marco I've noticed, is he doesn't talk much. Like, children his age talk a lot cause they start talking at about 2 years old.

Marco is a quiet boy, I don't know why though. He's very smart and observant. I've also noticed that he was a bit slow in the walking process as well... I love him and my goal right now is to break him out of his shell. He's a child, he should run around and go crazy. Ha!

The bell dings and I immediately lift my head to see Stefano walking in with Marco in his arms. He should be running to me. I pout.

"Hey, what's with the pout?" Stefano asks.

"I'll tell you later but for now, hey jellybean!" I say excitedly.

He smiles widely and jumps from his dad's arms to mine. I kiss his face all over making him giggle.

"I wuv Mawa!" he exclaims happily

"I love you too jellybean" I kiss his cheek once more. "You know what?" I ask.

"What?"he whispers.

I look at Stefano smiling at us before I whisper something in his ear.

"Oooh, I know! I know "he giggles before whispering something back in my ear.

Luckily he whispered really quietly, we all know how children 'whisper'.

I smile and raise my hand to high-five him. He slaps my hand away and taps his cheek. I laugh before giving him a kiss.

"Fouw mowe" he says.

"Why? If I may ask" I say raising my brow.

"Mawa give high-five but me takey kiss, so Mawa give five kisses" he says after he giggles.

"My smart little jellybean." I say before giving him four more kisses.

He smiles and wraps his arms around my neck.

"Where's mine?" Stefano asks playfully.

"you don't get any" I say smiling at him.

I walk to my office with a pouting Stefano behind me. He shuts the door as I set Marco on my desk.

"That's not fair. Marco, don't you think Papà deserves kisses for bringing you to see Mara?" he asks Marco.

Marco bites into the cookie I gave him and nods his head yes. Oh gosh.

"How many should Mara give Papà" he asks Marco and I stare at him with my mouth open.

"Face kisses!" he says happily.

"Face kisses?" I ask confused.

"Yes! Face kisses. Aria always gives him those. It's kisses all over the face. Eyes, forehead, chin, nose and cheeks." he says happily.

I sigh before looking at Marco. He points me to his dad and I sigh again.

"Come here then" I say.

He doesn't waste any time. In a second he's right in front of me, looking down at me with a happy smile.

"You're a cheating snake." I say.

I grab his face and he bends down to my level. I kiss his forehead then eyes, chin, cheeks and finally his nose. He doesn't pull away, he just stares at me with a smile. He kisses my cheek quickly before standing up straight.

We both look away and I blush.

He smiles before walking to Marco.

"Thank you buddy" he says as he kisses Marco's head.

"Papà we go pawk wif Mawa?" he asks his dad with a cute face.

"I don't know buddy, ask Mara" he says looking at me.

"Mawa?" Marco calls.

I nod my head yes and he smiles excitedly. Stefano picks him up and grabs my hand.

"Let's go my little family" he says smiling.

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