Chapter Four

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Stefano pov

I ring the doorbell and wait a few minutes before a sleepy looking Amara opens the door with a sleepy Marco in her arms. Why do they both look like they just woke up.

Amara is wearing a crop top with loose sweatpants. Her hair is messy and her eyes are swollen. Beautiful.

"Why are you staring at us?" she asks me with a smile on her beautiful face.

"No reason" I say before stepping into her house.

She closes the door and walks somewhere, I follow and once we reach the living room, I finally understand.

There's a big fluffy pink blanket on her couch and a cartoon movie playing, they must've fallen asleep. Cute.

She sits back down on the sofa and close both her and Marco with the blanket.

"Ummm, Amara? Did you forget I'm picking up Marco?" I say.

"Oh right, sorry. It gets lonely being alone all the time." she says before standing up.

She puts Marco on the sofa and kisses his head before she starts picking up his toys and blankets. After she's done she hands me the one bag and quickly leaves the room.

"Papà!" Marco yells. Wow, he's just noticing me now.

"Hey buddy, did you enjoy your stay with Mara?" I say sitting next to him.

"Mawa make, movie!" he giggles.

"Is that so? Did you eat cookies?" I ask.

"Yeah! Cookies!" he shouts.

I lean down and kiss his head.

"Umm sorry to interrupt. Marco's other bag can stay here since he's coming over the whole week. If that's okay?" Amara says nervously.

"It's okay Mara" I say chuckling.

I pick up Marco and make my way out.

"Say bye to Mara, Marco" I say.

"Bye-bye Mawa" he says tiredly.

He puts his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes. Amara smiles at him and I stare at her. How can someone be so beautiful?

"Thank you Amara, really, I appreciate it" I say softly.

"No trouble at all Stefano, now go it's getting late. My baby's tired." she says pouting at the last part.

"Me or Marco?" I tease.

"*giggles * Marco, you silly man" she says.

I laugh and wave bye before walking to my car. She watches as I pull away and I smile at her before she heads back in her house. She's gonna be the death of me.


Amara pov

It's been a few days now and today I can go get Marco early. I'm currently standing in front of a secretary that hasn't been here the other days.

"Please just call Mr. Ricci and tell him Amara is here" I say.

She chews her bubble gum loudly before looking at me. I sigh and take out my phone.


Stefano : Amara?

Amara: sorry Stefano, I really wanted to suprise Marco but this new secretary won't let me through.

Stefano : Okay, just a sec.

Hangs up

A few minutes later an angry looking Stefano comes storming to us. The secretary sits up and buttons her shirt up a bit. Stefano gives her a glare before grabbing my hand and leading me through the shocked looking employees.

We finally reach an elevator and Stefano hits the button hard. I stand and watch him awkwardly. His jaw is still clenched and his breathing is harsh.

I put my hand on his arm to calm him down, I'm surprised to see he immediately calms down.

"I'm sorry, I just hate disorder" he mumbles.

I take his face in my hands and glance up at him.

"It's okay, but try to control your anger, okay?" I say.

He smiles and nods his head yes. I step back and lean against the elevator. As soon as we reach the floor I see Marco wabbling over to us. I smile and move to pick him up.

"Mawa!" he says excitedly.

"Hey jellybean, why are you outside" I say looking around.

A breathless man comes running to us. He breathes heavily and stops to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry, he asked for juice and when I came back he was gone" the man says breathlessly.

"It's oka-" I'm interrupted by Stefano.

"Why did you leave him alone!" Stefano yells.

"I'm sorry boss, please, please don't fire me" he says.

"Stefano..." I give him a look.

"You're dismissed! Go finish your work" he says.

The man walks back and I turn to Stefano. Marco is silently crying at his dad's yelling while tightly holding my shirt.

I walk to Stefano's office and sit on his couch. I calm down Marco and kiss his head multiple times. Stefano enters and look at Marco with a guilty face. He looks to me and I slightly nod my head no.

He sighs and comes to sit next to us. Marco lifts his head and looks at his dad before putting his face back in my neck.

"I'm sorry little man. Papà didn't mean to scare you, okay?" he says to Marco.

"Mawco scawed" Marco mumbles softly.

"Sorry little guy" Stefano says quietly.

I'm glad he realised how wrong he was. No matter how angry you are, you don't have to treat people bad.

He turns to me and gives me guilty, sorry look. I softly smile and turn my attention back to Marco who's playing with my hair.

"Let's go for lunch" Stefano says as he gets up.

"Don't you have work?" I ask.

"I do, but I can finish it all tonight when Marco sleeps at your place" he says smiling.

"Ummm, okay..." I say smiling back.

I get up with Marco in my arms and balance him on my hip. Stefano walks behind me and gently places his hand on my shoulder. He just smiles when I look at him and guides us out of his office.

I'm not shocked to see the way his employees are looking at us, we look like a family...

We finally reach Stefano's car and I put Marco in his car seat before sitting in front.

"So, where to?" he asks.

"McDonald's" I say smiling.

He looks at me weirdly but proceeds to drive us there. When we got there we saw typical small families enjoying their food. I tell Stefano to pick a booth while I order.

I walk back to the table with the food and smile at Stefano before sliding him two burgers and fries along with a coke. Marco gets his happy meal and I get... CHICKEN NUGGETS!

"Is that all you're eating?" Stefano asks.

"Yep, these are my favourite" I say smiling.

He flashes me a grin before leaning over the table. He wipes something off my bottom lip and then proceedes to lick his thumb.

"This is my favourite thing" he says.

Wait, the tomato sauce or my lip?

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