Chapter Twelve

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Amara pov
Stefano stiffens next to me and Jeong looks at me with wide eyes. Ha! Told you.

"Elaina" Stefano says calmly.

She smirks and looks over at me with a glare. She quickly masks her emotions and kiss Jeong's cheek as she sits down next to him.

"I apologize for coming late, beauty takes time after all." she says.

"It's alright" Jeong says clearing his throat.

Soon enough we're all eating in silence with Stefano playing with my fingers. I can tell he wants to leave as soon as possible.

"Steffy? How's my little boy Marcus?" she asks with a fake smile.

"His name is Marco" I mumble.

"What was that? I wasn't talking to you whore. Don't think because your warming up my space next to Stefano that you're anything to Marcu-Marco" she says through gritted teeth.

"Don't talk to my sister like that" Jeong says clenching his jaw.

"Ugh, barf. You guys are related. Did you really think I liked you anyways, puh-lease. You're just another person I used to make me more famous. The media loves couples that date in the same industry" she says with a smile.

Jeong looks embarrassed and gets up. He takes out cash and places it on the table before leaving.

I lean forward and softly kiss Stefano's neck, signaling him to stand up. He takes the signal and grabs my hand helping me up.

"oh goodie, is it time to leave already?" she asks with a fake pout.

"Don't come near me or Amara if you know what's good for you" Stefano says before pulling my arm, leading us out.

"You will regret this! I'll get my son one way or another!" she yells after us.

We get in the car and Stefano immediately drives away from the restaurant. He's practically shaking with anger.

"Stef, calm down" I say touching his arm.

He looks at me and slowly relaxes. He takes my hand and holds it the entire way to his parents house.

When we finally arrive he turns to me.

"I'm sorry. I just can't stand when people disrespect the ones I care about" he says softly.

I gently grab his face and look him in the eyes.

"It's okay Stef, I understand. Just don't let her get under your skin." I say.

He nods and holds my arms. He slowly leans forward and kisses my forehead, then my chin, cheeks and nose. He pulls back and looks into my eyes before leaning back to peck my lips.

My eyes widen and my face flushes. He chuckles and pecks me again and again and again.

"You're cute" he whispers.

I blush and remove myself from his hold. He laughs before getting out. He opens my door and I look at him confused.

"My mother will want to see you again" he says smiling.

I smile and get out. We walk to the front door and the door immediately swings open before we can knock.

I stare wide eyed at Emilia who has a huge smile on her face. We didn't even knock. I look back at the car and see that anyone will be able to see what happens inside.

My face flushes and I turn to look up at Stefano who's smirking at me. He knew! Emilia laughs before pulling us in the house. As soon as we're in, she immediately hugs me.

"Good to see you again dear."she says pulling away.

I bow and smile at her. Sometimes I forget to do that, eomeoni (Mother) will kill me.

"Mawa!" we hear Marco.

He comes running on his little legs and I immediately pick him up.

"I miss Mawa!" he giggles.

"I missed you too jellybean" I say kissing his cheek.

"And Papà, did you not miss your dad?" Stefano asks.

Marco giggles and holds out his arms to dad. Stefano takes him from me and kisses his son's head while Marco hugs his neck.

"Papà jelly of Mawa" he says.

We laugh and Emilia goes to get Marco's bag.

"Mawa stay wif me today?" Marco asks sweetly.

"No buddy, the day is over. Mara's going to sleep at home now" Stefano says.

Marco starts crying. Stefano tries calming him down but it just gets worse. I sigh and take him from Stefano. He puts his face in my neck and calms down.

"Baby?" I say softly.

He takes his face out of my neck and looks at me with teary eyes. I kiss both his cheeks and wipe his tears.

"You want me to stay the night with you?" I ask softly.

He nods his head with a pout.

"Okay baby, we'll go get your clothes and then you can come to my house. Okay?" I say.

He nods and hugs me. I kiss his head. Emilia comes back with his bag and hands it to Stefano. Stefano hugs her before going out.

Emilia sidehugs me.

"Thank you for taking care of Marco. I can tell he loves you very much." she says with a smile.

"I love him more than anything" I say.


We arrive at my house and I look confusingly at Stefano.

"Come sleep at my house please" he says softly.

I smile at him and nod my head. I quickly run up to my room and pack a small bag with my clothes in. I don't see Jeong anywhere but I assume he's sleeping.

I run back down and get in the car.

"Amara, I want to talk to you" Stefano says as we pull away.

"Okay..." I say.

"I already told you how I feel about you and my feelings are just growing everyday." he says with emotion laced in his voice.

"I have feelings for you too Stefano. I love being around you and Marco."I say.

"Will you go on a date with me, tomorrow night?" he asks.

"I would love to Stef" I say smiling.

He takes my hand and places a soft kiss on it before looking at me with a huge smile plastered on his face.


"And they all lived happily ever after" I say shutting the book.

I look down at Marco, who's now sleeping on my lap.

I kiss his head and pick him up. I carry him to his room and lay him in his cot. He's so beautiful.

I walk out and I'm startled to see Stefano standing at the end of the hallway.

"You scared me!" I whisper yell, walking to him.

"I'm sorry Pinkey" he says.

"Pinkey?" I say tilting my head.

"It's my name for you. You're so small like a pinkey" he says teasingly.

I lightly push his chest and laugh.

"Let's go to bed, Pinkey" he says.

I look at him confused and he sighs before picking me up bridal style. He walks to his room and swiftly lays me down on his bed before he lays next to me.

He pulls me against his chest and puts his face in my neck. I feel him place a gentle kiss on it.

"Goodnight Pinkey" he says softly.

"Goodnight Stef" I say.

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