Chapter Thirteen

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Stefano pov

I feel something stir in my hold. I slowly open my eyes and look down at the brown hair sprawled on my bare chest. I smile softly and hold her tighter. Her arms around my waist tighten as I feel her even breathing on my chest.

She came into my life unexpectedly. Marco basically chose his mother. She acts like a mother to him and I'm in awe of that. She stayed with me even when I called her a gold digger. She's anything but, she's an angel.

"What are you thinking about?"

I look down at her beautiful brown eyes staring at me. I smile and shake my head. She shrugs and lays back down on my chest.

After a few minutes she slowly rises up and gets out the bed. I sit up and watch her as she goes to my bathroom and closes it after flashing me a smile.

Smiling, I stand up and head to Marco's room. He's talking to some teddy?

"And I wuv Mawa. Mawa my mamma!" he giggles.

"I want to say Mamma, but Papà say she not my mamma" he says looking sad.

My heart breaks at the sight. He hugs the teddy tightly.

"Mawco want mamma. Mawa my mamma" he says.

I softly knock and he looks up at me and a smile immediately makes it's way on his face. He stands up in his cot and stretches his arms out to me. Back to babying huh?

I pick him up and hug him tightly. He kisses my cheek and smiles brightly.

"Ready for breakfast?" I ask.

"Yay! Pan-pan" he says excitedly.

I kiss his cheek and place him on the ground. He looks at me confusingly. I smile and take his small hand in mine. He holds my pinky as we walk to the kitchen.

We enter the kitchen and find Amara in a shirt if mine, making something. She's dancing to some song playing from her phone. Marco immediately runs over to her.

"Mamma!" he yells.

Amara turns around and smiles widely as she bends to his level. She hugs him tightly and kisses his cheeks. She didn't even react to him calling her Mamma, just like at McDonald's that day.

"Morning my little jellybean! Did you sleep well?" she asks him.

He nods his head frantically and she laughs at his antics. She kisses his nose and he giggles.

"And Papà!" he says.

Amara looks over to me and I smirk. She rolls her eyes and gestures for me to go to her. I quickly walk to her put my face in front of her's.

Marco grabs my face and places a wet sloppy kiss on my cheek. Amara leans up and places a soft kiss on my nose. My beautiful family. I sigh in content and pull them to my chest. I hold them for awhile before Marco pushes me away, just to wrap his arms around Amara.

"My Mamma" he mumbles.

Amara laughs and holds him tighter before putting him on the kitchen isle. I sit down on one of the stool and watch her make pancakes.

"Mamma make pan-pan?" he asks looking at me.

"Yes buddy" I say.

Amara looks at me confusingly before she makes an 'O' with her mouth. She smiles and stacks the pancakes. She pushes my plate to me and puts chocolate syrup on his'.

"Papà! Look, Mam-Mawa put heawt!" he says giggling.

"Hey! That's not fair, where's mine?" I ask.

Amara rolls her eyes and comes over to me. She puts a smiley face on mine. I quickly kiss her cheek and she blushes.

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