Chapter Twenty Four

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Amara pov

Never in my life have I ever been so confused before. To find out that someone you knew since college, wants to forcefully marry you is something that definitely does not happen every day.

Marco. My beautiful baby boy. He's finally breaking out of his shell and now this happens. Stefano can't lose his son. I won't allow him to. Marco means everything to him and he can't lose his everything.

Sometimes you have to make sacrifices in order to help your loved ones.

I obviously can't imagine myself being married to Steve. He's a maniac. I don't know how I'm going to live without Stefano and Marco. It's impossible to.

The door opens and Steve walks in once again. He has a plate in his hands.

"Hey babe, I brought you dinner. Make sure to eat because we're leaving early tomorrow morning so there won't be time" he says.

He puts it on my lap and I stare down at the food. There's no way I'm eating it.

"Amara! Eat the food. You're really testing my patience." he yells.

I flinch. Picking up the plate, I take a spoonfull of rice and eat it. I don't know what this man is capable of and I'd rather not take any chances.

"Good girl. I already bought a wedding dress. Don't worry, it's simple. I promise for our honeymoon, I'll go all out" he says with a smile on his face.

He kisses my head and leaves the room. I immediately wipe off the bastard's dirty kiss.

I want omma.


The next day

I'm sitting in the bedroom. The very very white bedroom. I'm dressed in the 'simple' wedding dress and my hair and makeup was done by some woman.

This is not what I expected getting married would feel like. I was kidnapped by an old college friend , who was secretly obsessed with me. He wants me to stay away from the love of my life and my son.

My thoughts are broken when the bastard walks in, dressed in a grey suit. He smiles as he walks over to me.

"My my my, you're so gorgeous baby. I love you so much, you don't even understand." he says, smiling.

"No, I don't understand. Why would you kidnap and force someone you 'love' to marry you! That's not love!" I yell, tears streaming down my face.

He slaps me hard, making me fall back on the mattress.

"You fucking bitch! Don't ever raise your voice at me! Ever! I couldn't let someone else have what's mine! You're mine!" he yells.

I rub my cheek, probably rubbing the foundation off. He sighs and tries coming close to me but I move away.

"Let's fucking go. We're gonna be late." he says. He yanks me up and drags me through the house to his car.

I sit quietly the whole drive. His cold hand rests on my thigh, squeezing it everytime I move away.

I just want my Stefano.


Stefano pov

I stand in front of the judge, holding a sleeping Marco in my arms. It's so damn early. I don't understand why we had to come here so early.

I remember the look on my parents face when I told them about the case and Amara's kidnapping. I couldn't hold it in much longer.

Flashback (the previous day)

"How can this happen son? She can't just take you to court, you raised Marco!" my mom yells. She's crying while my dad tries soothing her.

"I don't know what to do Mamma, and I can't go to the police or anything because he will hurt you guys. I wasn't even supposed to tell you this" I say.

"Who will hurt us Figlio?" my dad asks.

I just shake my head and look down.

"We'll find a way son. We won't let Amara marry that guy and we certainly won't allow that bitch to take our grandson" my dad says with a determined look on his face.

End of flashback

I know my parents can't do anything about this. There's no way they can stop it. I'm about to lose my love to someone who doesn't deserve her.

The judge walks in and so does Elaina. She smirks at me.

"Okay, we're just waiting for the happy couple to get married before we proceed to your case." the judge says sitting down.

He doesn't even look decent. He looks tired and dirty, like he he just woke up and came here. Not professional.

The door opens and Steve walks in, dragging my girl with him.

She looks tired. She's wearing a beautiful simple white dress. Her makeup as well as her hair has been done.

They walk to the front and Steve stops, he looks over at me with a wide smile on his face. Amara slowly lifts her head and meets my eyes. She tries giving me a smile but I can see the hurt in her eyes.

Steve grabs her chin and places a hard aggressive kiss on her lips before he glares at me.

"Okay, let's get these people married." the judge says.

He starts talking but I zone out completely. I look at the woman I love, being forced to marry someone she doesn't love. The hurt in her eyes and the tears streaming down her cheeks, with Steve rubbing then away harshly.

"Do you, Steve Hamilton, take Amara Park as your lawfully wedded wife?" the judge asks. Steve smiles and says 'I do'.

"Do you, Amara Park, take Steve Hamilton as your lawfully wedded husband?" the judge asks again.

Amara turns her face to mine and mouths, 'I love you' before turning back to Steve.

"I do" she says.

"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" Steve grabs Amara's face and smashes his lips on hers.

Amaras soft crying tears my heart apart. She loves me! Now she's married to a monster.

"Now, can we please move on to the childs case?" the judge says.

Steve grabs Amara's arm and leads her to a seat behind Elaina.

"I have already went through and listened to each one of the parents, and I've already made my choice about who Marcus will go to."

"I hereby give Elaina Stevens, full custody of-

"Stop right there! My grandson isn't going to anyone! " We all turn around to find my parents along with some other couple and Jeong at the door.


I'm alive. I know y'all have been waiting for a long time but school isn't easy.

Anyways, don't judge me. I don't know how things in court work. I just tried doing whatever.

Anyways, please don't hate me for updating so late. I appreciate y'all so much.

Till next time.

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