Chapter 3

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He ran a hand through his hair, staring ahead at the clock on the wall. He was having a shit day. First, plagg woke him up by screaming in his face. Natalie told him he had an interview after school, even though she knew how much he detested interviews. Marinette was completely avoiding him again today, and the cherry on top? Ladybug missed patrol. So she probably had the flu. This day royally sucked. He heard a soft groan behind him, and he turned around in his seat. Marinette looked pale, gripping her desk hard.

"What's wrong?" Alya hissed, and Marinette shook her head.

"I think... I think I..."

She shot up from her seat, the entire class turning to look at her. Her gaze locked with his for a mere second before she bolted out of the classroom, a hand over her mouth. What was that about? He stood, looking over at Mrs. Bustier who gave him a quick nod. He walked out into the hall, barely catching a glimpse of her ducking into the locker rooms.

"Mari?" He called, jogging up to the door.

He slipped in, glancing around. She must have bolted to the bathroom. He took a deep breath before stepping through the doorway. He had never been on the girl's side before.


He flinched when he heard the sound of vomiting. That didn't sound good. She must have gotten the flu too. He knocked on the stall she was in, the door swinging open slightly.

"I'm fine." She snapped, and he pushed the door open further.

"You don't look fine."

"Gee thanks."

He blanched. He hadn't meant it like that. He just wanted them to be friends again, and here he was, blowing it.

"I just meant you look sick."

"Looks can be deceiving."

"You're literally puking."

She huffed, flushing the toilet and sitting back, still not looking at him.

"Can you grab me a paper towel?"

He walked over to the dispenser, grabbing her one. He passed it to her, and she wiped her mouth.

"I'll get the teacher to call your parents."

"No!" She blurted, turning around to face him.

Her face was flushed, and she stood, shaking her head.

"No. Do not tell anyone I barfed."

"You're obviously sick. You need to be at home. Resting."

She hesitated, looking down at the ground. Would it have been like this before? No. Before she would look at him. What did he do that was so wrong?

"Adrien I..."

She trailed off, glancing up at him. She wanted to say something. He could feel it.


She closed her eyes, sighing softly.

"I'm failing. If I don't bring my grades up soon, I won't graduate. I can't miss any school. So please, don't tell anyone."

Wow, must be important if she didn't even stutter. Fine. So he wouldn't make a big deal out of it. She wasn't contagious or anything, probably. He reached forward, placing the back of his hand against her forehead. She seemed to relax, and he slowly pulled away. It wasn't a fever.

"Okay. I won't tell anyone. Under one condition."

She quirked an eyebrow at him, and he smiled softly.

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