Chapter 5

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It had been over two weeks. Two whole fucking weeks, and he hadn't given her an answer. He was spending more time with her though, and every now and then she would catch him staring, a confused and frustrated look on his face. Was it really so hard to pick what he liked about her? Did he like anything about her at all? The morning sickness had only gotten worse, but she found small ways to cope. She had to avoid diners, and any cafes. Anything with any kind of smell was also a no go. There was even a couple of days where anytime she smelled chocolate she wanted to barf. Which sucked, considering she lived in a bakery. She slept under mounds of blankets those nights, even keeping her window open to get rid of the smell. The fatigue was hitting her hard. Which was probably why she dozed off in class. She awoke to a hard jab in the arm from Alya, who shook her head. She sat up, forcing her gaze ahead. Adrien was turned around in his seat, looking at her quizzically. Apparently lack of sleep was getting to her, because she snapped before she could stop herself.


He seemed to back away slightly, and she flinched.

"Sorry." She mumbled, and he turned back around in his seat, his shoulders slumping. Great.

"Marinette what's gotten into you?"

A baby.

"What? I'm just tired." She whispered to Alya, forcing a yawn to prove her point.

Alya sighed, turning back to the teacher. There had to be a way to get rid of all these symptoms. A loud explosion sounded somewhere inside the school, and everyone grew quiet. Another acuma. Just great.

"Alright class you know the drill. Everyone down to the courtyard."

Marinette got up from her seat, gripping the desk as she did. She really didn't feel like dealing with an acuma.

"Marinette are you okay?" Adrien whispered, and she forced a smile.

"Oh yeah. Just a little scared."

He grabbed her hand, pulling her with him out the door.

"Let's get down to the courtyard." He mumbled, trying to squeeze past students also on their way there.

She tried to pull her hand away, but his grip was too tight.

"I can't believe you dumped me just a few days before valentine's day!" A loud screech filled the hallway, and both Marinette and Adrien turned to look.

A woman dressed in red robes was floating above the students, who had all stopped in horror.

"You broke my heart Ty. So I'm going to break yours!" She shouted, ripping charms off of her charm bracelet, flinging them at the students closer to her.

The first one hit, and a pain filled scream echoed through the hall. The girl that had been hit sank to her knees, clutching at her chest. The students around them decended into panic, running down the hall.

"Marinette let's go!" Adrien shouted above the chaos, dragging her forward.

Maybe she could lose him in the crowd.

"Is that Adrien Agreste?"

Oh no. He glanced behind him, and she followed his gaze to the woman in red.

"I've seen how many hearts you've broken."

She ripped a charm from her bracelet, a cruel smile touching her lips.

"Time for a taste of your own medicine."

She flung it at him over the panicked students, and Marinette held her breath as she shoved him hard into the classroom. The charm hit her side, and she landed hard on top of Adrien.

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