Chapter 8

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He leaned back against his locker, his gaze darting from one guy in their class, to another. He could already cross off the boys in relationships, or ones that had been in relationships for a while. Marinette wasn't the type to sleep with someone who was taken. So that left Kim, Max, and Nathaniel. He knew Nathaniel had a thing for Marinette, but she didn't seem too into him back in the day. Maybe she changed her mind? This would be so much easier if he knew what her type was. He groaned softly, turning back to his locker. It wasn't like he could go around asking
'hey did you screw someone at a masquerade party? Well boy have I got news for you.'

"Everything okay?"

He turned to face Nino, who seemed worried.

"Yeah. Everything's fine."

He wouldn't tell anyone. He wouldn't break her trust like that, not when they were working on being friends again. Not when she had finally stopped acting so uncomfortable around him. Now she was just confusing. But he could deal with that.

"So what's going on with you and Mari?"

He would have done a spit take had he been drinking anything.

"What? Nothing. Why? Why are you asking?"

Way to be fucking obvious dude. Nino chuckled, lowering his voice.

"You two have been spending alot of time together. Yesterday you ran after her, today you were carrying her bag, and when she pulled you away from Alya's punch, you looked like you were about kiss her."

Adrien sputtered, his eyes getting wide. He wasn't about to kiss her.

"No I didn't."

"Uh yeah. You did. You made those eyes and your face got all red."


"What eyes?"

Nino closed his locker, smirking. As if that answered everything. Adrien shrugged, and Nino let out a loud exasperated sigh.

"The bedroom eyes. The kiss me so hard I pass out. The I want you to rip my clothes off an-"

"Okay stop! I did not."

Nino shrugged, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Ask Alya. She saw it too. She's probably grilling Marinette about it as we speak."

Oh shit. She probably needed help. He gave Nino a small wave as he headed out, pulling out his phone. He scrolled down to Marinette's contact, quickly calling it. It rang a few times before she answered, sounding annoyed.

"Now isn't a good time."

"No, now is perfect. Since when did you two get so close?" Alya butted in, and he rolled his eyes.

Yep. The reporter was grilling her.

"Where are you? I need to give you your science notes back."

It was a lie, he had already returned them to her. But she seemed to know why he said that, and apparently needed him to butt in.

"Front of the school on the steps."

He hung up, picking up his pace as he dodged students also on their way out. He made it down to the steps, sighing in relief when he saw Marinette.

"Hey lover boy. Marinette here told me you two were dating."

He looked at Marinette in shock, staring hard at her. She made a face, but he couldn't tell what it was supposed to mean.


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