Chapter 9

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She bounced her knee, glancing around the waiting room. She had already had her blood drawn, peed in a cup, weighed, practically felt up by the doctor, and now was waiting for them to do an ultrasound. She didn't understand why they needed one so early, it was pretty small right now anyway. The doctor said it was to check the heartbeat or something like that. Adrien set his hand on Marinette's knee, grounding her foot to the floor. She blushed, turning to look at him.

"Take a deep breath. It's going to be okay."

"I've never done this before."

He laughed, and it seemed to ease the worry in her stomach.

"Neither have I. You'll be fine Marinette. I'll be right there the whole time."

"Marinette Du-pain Cheng?"

She flinched as her name was called, and he grabbed her hand, pulling her up. They walked over to the nurse that had called her name, and she looked over at Adrien.

"We don't allow anyone except family back during the ultrasounds."

Panic seeped into Marinette's skin, and she tightened her grip on his hand. He had to go with her. What if something went wrong? What if they didn't find the baby's heartbeat at all? What if the tests she had taken had all been false positives?

"I'm the father. Can't I go in?"

Her entire body grew hot, and she stole a glance at him. His gaze was focused on the nurse, and he looked determined.

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't realize. Right this way."

She led the way down the hall, and Marinette let out the breath she had been holding.

"I hope you don't mind. I figured she'd only let me go in if I said I was the dad."

Her heart sank, she had almost hoped he knew. It would make everything easier.

"It's fine."

They were led to a dark room, with a large machine sitting next to a bed.

"Lay down there, someone will be with you shortly."

Adrien let go of her hand, and she quickly laid down on the bed. Her heart was pounding, thinking of all the things that could go wrong.

"Marinette. You're pale again. Just breathe. Everything is going to be fine."

He took her hand again, and she nodded her head, keeping her eyes closed. She'd probably break down if she looked at him. Because all of this was wrong. He was paying for the appointment. He was here. He was holding her hand and telling her it would be okay. He was going to hear his baby's heartbeat, and he wouldn't even know it was his. She had to tell him. This was just cruel.

"Adrien I-"

"Good afternoon. I'm Kacey. I'll be doing your ultrasound."

Marinette turned her gaze to a small blonde woman who smiled politely.

"Afternoon." Adrien answered for her, and she nodded in agreement with him.

Kacey grabbed a bottle that had been in a cubby under the machine.

"Alright I'm going to need you to lift your shirt up, and tug your waistband down a little. This jelly is going to be cold."

Wait what? No one said anything about this. Adrien squeezed her hand before letting go, and she swallowed hard. She pulled her shirt up to her ribcage, and Kacey held her hand up to stop her.

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