Chapter 14

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"Do you see me now?"

Her voice shook, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from the scarf. He reached down, his fingers brushing the fabric away from the object it had been wrapped around. The mask. The red and black mask he had given Ladybug. He recognized it instantly. He couldn't breathe, couldn't move. Everything was moving through his head at the slowest pace, and it felt as if his heart slowed down to match them. He slept with Ladybug. At the stupid fashion thing his father threw. He didn't use a condom that night. Alya said Ladybug looked like she was pregnant. Marinette got pregnant at a costume party. Where the guy didn't even know who she was. The guy was in her class. The guy didn't see her. She mentioned that Adrien didn't see her. When he kissed her, she said she thought he finally saw her. Why didn't he connect the dots? What did he like about Marinette? This entire time, he couldn't put a label on what he liked about her, but really, the answer was simple. It was so simple it had been staring him in the face. Guess love really is blind.

"You're not going to say anything?" She snapped, and he finally looked up at her.

She was crying again. She had her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at him. That look was definitely a Ladybug one.

"I got it."

"You- you got it are you fucking joking right now? That's what you have to say? Seriously?"

He smiled softly, standing up. What else could he say? He finally understood.

"Yeah Marinette. I finally got it. That answer you've been wanting. I finally figured it out."

She looked bewildered, angry, and wild all at the same time. It was beautiful.

"I don't like anything about you Marinette. That's why I couldn't give you an answer. It's why I never put a label on you."

She looked away, more tears falling. He stepped forward, wiping away the stray ones on her face. She flinched away from his touch, and he smiled at her.

"It's because I love everything about you. You could never be just one word to me."

She looked at him, and he let out a long breath. It had taken him too long. He should have known from the moment he saw her.

"I'm so sorry it took me so long to see you." He whispered, and she sobbed, covering her face.

He pulled her against him, pressing her into his chest. He had been so blind. He should have pieced everything together before. He had aimed for the moon, and missed all of the stars.

"I love you so much." He murmered, and she pulled away from his chest, looking up at him.

"I love you too."

She kissed him gently, and it was all he could have ever wanted. She loved him. And those babies, were his. Life hadn't fucked him over after all. Turns out he had been in the right place, at the right time. She pulled away, burying her face into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for not telling you."

He wasn't mad. In a way, he understood it. She wanted him to love her, for her. Not Ladybug. He smiled at the irony of all of it. Besides, he hadn't missed anything so far. He got to experience her morning sickness, and the first doctor visit. He got to hear his kids heartbeats.

"Don't apologize for that. Apologize for lying."

She pulled away, a grimace coating her beautiful face.


"Seems like you didn't go on a road trip after all, Milady."

She seemed confused, before her jaw dropped. Yeah, may as well tell her since she had told him her secret.

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