Chapter 12

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His breath hitched when he saw her through the window. She looked amazing. She always looked amazing, but this time it felt different. She pushed open the door, stepping out onto the sidewalk. Her gaze immediately went to him, and his heart seemed to stop working. She looked so familiar. That was stupid, obviously, because he had known her for years. But this felt like some weird kind of dejavu.

"Morning Adrien."

"Ah. Morning."

That couldn't have sounded more lame. You're doing a fantastic job.

"I didn't expect you to be here."

She pulled her coat tighter around her, and they began walking towards the school.

"Chat said you were going to start dropping hints. I figured you may need moral support."

He knew that wasn't what she meant. She was talking about what he did yesterday.

"Subtle hints. Ones he won't even notice."

"Setting yourself up for failure?"

"Setting him up for a challenge."

He chuckled, his hand brushing against hers for a small second as they walked. He wished he could just hold her hand again.

"So, do you notice anything different about me?" She asked, and he glanced over at her.

"Your hair. It looks really nice in a bun."

She smiled, a small touch of pink dusting her cheeks. He almost missed when she blushed alot. It was adorable. Unfortunately, he hadn't taken the time to appreciate it back then.

"Want to grab a hot chocolate on the way to school?"

He nodded, they weren't really running late anyway. She had gotten up earlier.

"Sounds good."

They stopped at a Cafe they passed, quickly heading inside. Luckily this one wasn't as packed as they normally were at this time.

"Two medium hot chocolates please."



She gave him a small smile before turning to say something to another worker. Marinette had sat down by the door, her hands fiddling with the scarf she wore. His scarf. He smiled, sitting down across from her.

"When the weather warms up I'm getting that back."

She nodded, her gaze slowly roaming over him, making his pulse quicken.


Uh oh.

"I need answers."

He looked down at the table, his heart sinking. What did she expect him to say? He couldn't return her feelings until she talked to the baby daddy.

"For the math homework?" He asked wih a grin, but she didn't look amused.

She looked annoyed.

"You know what I mean. I want an answer to my question before, and now I want an answer as to why you kissed me and ran off."

He sighed, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. Plagg was still pissed at him for that. He didn't get why Plagg cared so much about it though. Unless he liked Marinette too.

"I don't know how to answer you."

"Then answer this. How do you feel about Ladybug?"

He cringed, closing his eyes. What was with her and all these damn questions that he couldn't answer?

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