6- Blue Balls

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To say I fled school after the gym incident would be an understatement. I didn't even wait for my friends. They were planning to go to Starbucks again but I faked sick and bolted. I knew they would take one look at me and know something was up.

I am officially crushing over a boy and having him in such close proximity to me isn't doing much good. In fact it may be escalating my fantasies. After all I know nothing about him.

Nothing that matters anyway, but fuck, if I don't want to!

I want to know every single thought he has and every single second of his day. I want to know what he thinks when he looks into the distance and what he thinks of our school.

More importantly, what he thinks of me.

Then again, what if he is disgusted by me? I ignored him through entire P.E. He probably thinks I'm a pervert.

"Fuck!" I yell at the steering of my car.

Why am I attracted to him? I've literally never felt like this. Imagine being turned on by Adrian or Ryan. Eugh!

I pull into the driveway of my home, exhausted from the overthinking.

"Master Kaiden, are you alright?" Shailene, my housekeeper asks me, when I fall face first into leather sofa of my living room.

"I am having a violent internal conflict Shailene!" I moan, sitting up. "God, I wish Mum was here. When is she getting back?"

"Madam said she's coming tomorrow. Go on now, freshen up, you stink!" Shailene says, her Russian accent thick.

"Yeah yeah I'm going! Also I'm going to a party at my classmates. I'll be late, don't wait up!" I shout, running up the stairs to my room.

"Don't drink and drive! Take the keys with you, I am going home for the night!"


I shut the door to my room and undress, feeling better after taking off the jersey.

Benji, my white Persian cat, purrs happily when I tickle him.

"My goodest floofy boi!" I sing and kiss his cute pink nose.

Letting the hot water run for a bath, I walk into my closet and pick out an outfit for the night. I decide on a baby blue and teal blue tie-dye tshirt, white chinos with a pair of Adidas slides.

My phone is going off with notifications. I fish around in my school bag for it. Instead of my phone, I pull out a pair of keys that are not mine. I notice the keychain of an N.

Hm, Nathan probably accidentally dropped his keys in my bag in the locker room.

I should give them to him in school tomorrow or should I give them now? Will he be at the party? I don't even have his phone number. What if he needs them?

I take my phone out. My groupchat is lit, everyone deciding what to wear for Sasha's party. I dial Raven.

"I was just going to call you! Could you pick me up?" she says before I can open my mouth.

"Uh, sure. Weren't you going with Daniel?"

"He and Ryan went to Max's house to pregame. Fucking jocks and their herd mentality, I tell you!" she grumbles. I laugh.

"Fine, I'll pick you up. Do you have Nathan's number by any chance?"

"I wish I did! Wait, you don't?"

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