50 - Summers and Starbucks

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The Europe trip was beautiful, to say the least. Our last destination was Italy and Nathan refused to come back. Me and him made love in every city, like the couple of horny teenagers we were.

Kane accompanied us obviously as we're still underage. He found a summer fling, a pretty brunette who kept him busy while me and Nate wandered around sightseeing and clicking pictures of every possible thing.

I was disappointed that we had to eventually return to our lives back in America but I am also buzzing with excitement.

All of my friends are starting their new lives in new places and there was no way I was missing seeing them off, Italy or not.

We're at Bella's home, as she's the first among us to leave. Stanford already has a month long summer course and she intends to attend. Ever the overachiever!

Max is way too emotional considering he's gonna be seeing her as much as he can.

"I'm gonna miss you my Bellie!" Raven sniffles, hugging her best friend tight. "We're gonna FaceTime every night okay?! I'll visit you as much as I can!"

Bella is trying hard to maintain her composure but she breaks down immediately once I join the hug. I pat her head, feeling choked up.

"I can't believe you guys are going to be so far from me! At least you can see each other often. We'll always be the Holy Trinity yeah?" I smile.

"Of course we will! You enjoy New York! Go steal something from the MET and live out all your Gossip Girl fantasies!" Bella chuckles through her tears.

"Definitely! Let's hope I don't turn into a Jenny."

"Ew no. You're too much of a Blair," she giggles.

Max hugs her last and they share a passionate kiss. As she gets into her car, waving at us, I realise just how close these people are to my heart. Bonds like these are rare. Even if we end up drifting away, they would always be a part of who I grew up to be.


Daniel is the next to go. We're at LAX, about two hours prior to boarding time. He doesn't seem too daunted by the prospect of leaving the country. His parents look proud.

Ryan and Sasha seem quite emotional. Nathan could not come, as he had some bank issues to sort with his father. The soccer team, Raven and I drove here to say goodbye to him.

He turns to me at last, having said his goodbyes to everyone else.

"Hey!" I smile, pulling him into a hug.

He sighs shakily.

"Kai - I'm going to miss you so much. And I want to say I'm sorry. I've been a dick to you this year and yet, you're here to see me off."

"Aw hey, it's alright. No hard feelings, I promise. I'm glad you are moving forward and realising that you weren't the best person. But I hope you make it better okay?"

He nods, smiling.

"Goodluck Daniel. Keep in touch!"

"I will! You keep in touch too, you brat. I know you'll forget us the minute you set foot in New York," he grumbles, punching my arm.

Ryan clicks a picture of us and I ask him to join in a selfie. Raven clicks another picture.

"You both are my besties okay?" Ryan smiles, pulling our cheeks. The picture ends up very goofy.

Sasha is crying in Raven's embrace, unable to see him go. He waves and eventually disappears inside, not even turning around.

Sometimes, it is better to not look back.

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