The month ended with our exams and SATs, leaving everyone exhausted from the studying, submissions and homework. Halloween arrived with the Credence and Westbrook game.
The whole school is buzzing with anticipation.
"You remember what I said right? Win or lose, doesn't matter!" I tell Nathan who looks pale, his leg bouncing. It's just before the game and he asked me to accompany him to Westbrook, instead of coming with the other players.
"You know it does but I'll try to not let it bother me too much," he sighs. I place a hand on his arm.
"You're fine okay? Just go in there and give it your best shot, literally."
"There's so many old faces I'm going to see and it's not going to be pretty. Find me after the game again okay, Kai?"
I nod, not wanting to ask what he means by that. It would probably aggravate his nerves more. We leave my car. I spot Raven and Bella getting out of Max's car and feel a tad guilty for not offering to pick them up as well.
"Hey guys!" Raven calls, happily running to us. She gives Nathan a hug.
"Goodluck! I know you'll do well!" She beams. He thanks her, smiling.
Bella wishes him luck and kisses Max quickly. He goes a little red.
Nathan gives me a parting glance and I nod, sending him a thumbs up.
"He seems tense," Raven says, hooking her arm in mine. Bella nods.
"He is."
We walk to the bleachers and for the second time, I wonder why I didn't attend school games earlier. The air is charged and I'm feeling the rush. We find our seats along with the other students. The teams are yet to come on the field.
I turn to see the familiar faces of Seth, Sam and Ana, waving to me from a few rows above. I smile.
"Come join us, there's a few empty seats here!" I call.
"Fancy seeing you at our school?" Sam smirks, nudging me. "Got rid of your ego finally huh?"
He puts an arm on my shoulders and waves at Raven and Bella. I blush at the sudden action.
"Hey girls!" Seth nods. He introduces Ana to them and she immediately starts talking like the happy person she is.
"So, Kai, ready to watch your team get annihilated?" Seth teases.
"Hah, you wish," I grin.
The game begins. The ball is in Credence side of the field. Our team looks in better form. I'm just hoping no one gets injured again.
The commentator mentions that an ex Westbrookian is in the Credence team. Whispers erupt in the audience. I catch a few bits.
....heard he got kicked out...
.... no, he was that gay kid remember...
.... i would change countries if that happened to me yet he's here again?...
I furrow my brows. There's no mistaking the whispers are about Nathan and they're not the nice kind. So... what Daniel said, it's true then? He really did get kicked out for liking a boy?
"What is everyone whispering about?" Raven asks.
Sam looks around to see who is speaking, his mouth in a hard line. He seems fucking pissed.

Summers & Starbucks || bxb ✓
Teen Fiction[completed] Kaiden Pierce fell for Nathan Summers at a camp. After two months of pining and resigning to the fact that he won't see his one sided crush ever again, Kaiden says goodbye. However, Nathan shows up as a final year transfer to Kaiden's sc...