31 - Beach Please

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"So, you're like a heir?" I ask him.

He's driving and I'm riding shotgun.

"Well yeah. I mean, it's a big company so I have to follow in dad's footsteps. Engineering is something I like, but I'm expected to work in pharmaceuticals so I'll have to get a degree in that field."

Sam showed up at my house and told my mum he was taking me away, said some shit about reducing stress.

My mum didn't even attempt to say no. Of course she wouldn't, she's known Cassie Everton for years. In consequence, she trusts Sam.

So now, here we are, riding down to his beach cabin in his fancy Mercedes. The other four are in Seth's car. Beats me why we can't all go in one SUV but Sam said he prefers having his own transport.

"Oh. You'll be high profile then. I would need to contact your secretary to reach you!" I laugh.

"Nah, for you, I'm always available."

"You want some nachos with that cheese?"

Sam laughs.

"Nah, I'm a pizza guy. Seth's Mexican enough for me."

He reaches out and ruffles my hair, letting his hand stay on my neck. I blush and look out the window. Now I know why he wanted his own car.

"What about you? How's senior year going? I can't wait to get to college already!"

"It's going pretty good aside from the usual bumps. Which college do you wanna attend?"

"Hopkins, UCLA, whichever I get, I'm not picky so I'm applying everywhere."

"Those are some high standards!" I grin. "I hope you get in though. How's your applications coming along?"

"Like shit. I'm pretty lazy so I put off everything until I am in an anxiety induced overdrive and then start working. I find I'm usually more effective like that," He smiles. "Where are you planning on going? Maybe I could follow you there."

My breath hitches. Follow me?! That would mean... Oh damn, I don't wanna think about that. Not yet.

"Uh, New York is my number one. Everything else is, well, unimportant."

"New York huh? That's the other side of the country. Why so far?"

"I was thinking Australia first or Europe. New York is still closer. I am hoping to get into Parsons but it is a very far fetched dream."

"Hey, don't worry Kaiden, I'm sure you'll get whatever you desire."

"And, how's your love life right now? Did you get over that other person? I don't really like competition," He smirks.

I laugh, turning on the radio to avoid his question. Work by Rihanna is playing and I join in. Sam sings the Drake parts. He can rap quite decently.

The whole ride is filled with us singing the randomest songs that cross our minds, including what does the fox say and crazy frog. He's holding his tum, crying laughing.

"How do you literally know the whole thing?! It's a gibberish song!" He laughs.

"It's catchy. I memorized it when I was what, six? Wait, there's a gas station, can we stop? Let's get cigs and I also gotta pee."

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