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"I fucking love that your parents are rich right now," I gasp, opening the coded door of the apartment.

Kaiden smiles a bit, as he goes to look outside the ceiling to the floor window in the living room. He places his empty Starbucks cup on the glass table beside the two high backed chairs near the balcony.

The sunset is beautiful. The skies are painted purple pink and gold and it will be dusk soon. The view is to die for.

"I'm not even going to complain about accepting this - I don't care if I'm freeloading!"

I look around at the fully furnished apartment in awe. For a place in New York, this feels like one out of an interior magazine. The whole decor theme is white and blue with an open kitchen and dining and a minibar in the living room.

The balcony is big and has a lot of well kept plants.

"You do know my mother lived here, yes? It's her home?" Kai asked, amused.

"Oh?" I grin sheepishly. "I didn't. So where are your grandparents?"

"They passed a while ago actually."

"I'm sorry. Were you close?"

"I remember little things, but I was too young to actually remember their company you know? But mum was very upset. She loved them."

I feel a bit of regret filling me up for asking the question.

"I've been here before but it still feels so new!" he says. "New York feels like a distant memory so I'm glad I can make new ones."

I walk to him and wrap my arms around his waist, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"This place is huge for only both of us, by the way."

It is beautiful and it would always be amazing to have extra space but what would we do with it?

"It's two bedrooms. Maybe we can have roommates? Earn a bit of additional money?" Kai asks.

"Sounds like a good idea. Let's send out flyers on campus. We might find some good contenders."

"Should we get another gay couple?"

I laugh at his suggestion. He pouts.

"It'd be the safest you know? What if we get some dudes and they turn out to be homophobic shits? No thanks, I don't want a vibe kill."

I kiss his cheek, making him blush.

"Fine, let's make sure that we specifically mention that on the flyer. Will you be okay with a couple of girls?"

"Only if they're dating. I don't mind straight couples either but I just don't want them to you know, be nasty. Because it will be hard for me to kick anyone out if they turn out horrible."

"You don't need to worry about that. I'll be sure to be very straightforward with the rules!"

"Gay forward you mean?" Kai laughs. I roll my eyes at the predictable joke.

The sun has now gone down completely, leaving the apartment dark. The citylights glisten below, like little fireflies.

Kai leaves my embrace and turns on the lights, dimming them down. The only bright light is the chandelier.

"Wow. This is too perfect. I don't even feel like a struggling college student anymore!" I smile, looking around.

Kai smiles, nodding.

"We're lucky we don't have to struggle."

He eyes the multiple boxes and suitcases, near the door. We need to unpack soon. College starts in two days and we only have that time to set up at least our clothes.

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