32 - You're in Love

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"You didn't bother to come to the beach huh? We were waiting for you!" Seth grumbles, sitting beside me.

"Sorry! We kinda fell asleep," I chuckle. "Then Sam decided to just stay put because you would return by the time we reached you anyway."

"Hmph, not cool. Tomorrow we're going surfing. Be up at 7."

"Oh, sure!" I nod, passing him the basket of dinner rolls. I don't know how to surf at all but it would be fun to try.

The caretaker, Harry, made a lovely meal and Sam decorated the table outside on the deck with candles and a makeshift centerpiece with flowers. I laid the plates.

Sam is very careful around the employees and his friends, not even looking in my direction. I sit opposite him, making small talk. However Ana seems to know something is up. She keeps throwing me glances and smiling.

"So Kaiden, how are you so okay with hanging out with your school's rivals?" Paxton asks, chewing on a shrimp.

"Well, I don't consider you guys rivals, it's just most of my friends happen to be on the team and your soccer players are kinda rude," I laugh, eating the noodles. The bolognese is amazing, perfect garlic. Harry should be a fucking chef.

Sam is staring at me, listening intently.

"Yours aren't any better! They're nasty little shits, especially Daniel. The other day he was pestering me about Nathan. We go to the same algebra tuition and I couldn't stand him!"

I didn't know Dan needed algebra tutoring. Hm.

"How's it going with our best player in your team though?" Seth laughs, sipping on the Merlot.

Sam excuses himself to the bathroom.

"Well, as far as I know, he's bloody brilliant. Our team's performance improved like five hundred percent this season. Beats me why he left your school though?"

There's a pause, everyone looks at each other.

"You heard the rumours, didn't you?" Seth asks cautiously.

I nod, sipping on the wine. It's absolutely divine.

"Are they true?"

"It's complicated Kai. He did leave because of that. It was all distorted information and no one really knows what happened. He just left so suddenly, we didn't even get to ask. We thought he was going to live with his dad in New York. It was a shock even to us that he was to be in Credence."

"Don't tell me there's not one single kid in your school out of the closet?!" I frown.

"No, there are, which is why it is even more confusing to why he got kicked out. I heard there was some politician's kid involved but I don't think we have anyone from such families in our year. I have a hunch it was someone from junior year."

"That doesn't make sense, does it? And what's the beef with Sam and Nathan? Sam said they never spoke, though I don't believe it the slightest," I mutter.

"What?! That's impossible. They used to be joined at the fucking hip!" Seth gasps.

There, another damn lie and this time, from Sam and Nathan both. Why the fuck am I involved with guys who just don't fucking tell me stuff?!

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