33 - Revelations

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I flip the pancake and keep it in the hot plate. The oven beeps, signalling that the quiche is nearly ready. The bacon sizzles and I plate it with the deviled eggs.

I feel like a fucking Michelin chef in this kitchen. Harry brought all the ingredients and helped me with the quiche, eggs and cut up the fruits.

Troye Sivan is playing on my phone, the sun streaming in through the giant windows, seagulls in the distance.

I can hear the door clicks from the others getting dressed upstairs. I had a quick shower after the surfing and got to breakfast.

Normally I wouldn't be so generous with food preparation but I'm happy right now. Nothing can ruin my mood.

"Mm, wow, what is that amazing smell?!" Sam asks, walking in. He pins me against the counter and kisses me deeply.

"Good morning, again," He smiles against my mouth. I pick up a strawberry and feed it to him.

"Morning," I whisper, kissing him again. He smells amazing and it turns me on a bit.

"I could get used to this." He smiles, sitting on the high stool on the island counter.

"Don't. I do not like the labour, it's very rare that I would want to go all out like this."

He laughs.

On cue, the other four walk in. Ana smiles smugly at me and I roll my eyes. She must really be gloating over Seth.

"I'm almost done. Could you please take everything to the table?" I ask Sam.

Everyone carries a plate of food outside to the deck. Soon, we're all eating happily.

"This is giving me a foodgasm!" Pax moans.  "How the fuck do you cook this well? I could burn boiling water!"

"Yeah man, this is really really good. You should give classes!" Ana sighs.

"Thanks," I blush. "Harry did help though."

My phone buzzes. Raven's name pops up on the screen and I hit answer, going back in the kitchen, excusing myself.

"Good morning, happy Sunday!" I smile, biting into a strawberry.

I look at the others, laughing and having fun. I watch Sam chuck a strawberry at Ana and she throws a tissue at him.

"Good morning. Um, please don't be mad at me but I may have, kinda, sorta accidentally told Nathan you and Sam are a thing."

Oh fuck no!

"You did what?!" I snap lowly, walking out into the living room.

"I'm sorry! I didn't think it would matter! It was totally accidental! I forgot he wasn't there at Sasha's party! I didn't think you hadn't told him!"

"I don't care if he was there or not, it wasn't your place to say anything!"

I am trying so hard to not yell.

"He didn't even know that Sam was at the party! For fuck's sake Raven, there was a reason why I didn't tell him that!"

Didn't I just say nothing could ruin my mood? This. This definitely can.

"I know, I'm sorry. I will totally get it if you hate me. But I don't understand why Nathan got so angry though. Does he know Sam? What is it you aren't telling me, Kai?"

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