Cake (KandaxAllen)

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Allen chased after Kanda in the long, wide hallways of the Order headquarters. The older adolescent groaned in annoyance.

"Don't you ever bother anyone else, Moyashi?" The dark haired samurai inquired, picking up the pace in an attempt to lose the white haired said Moyashi.

"Like who?" The younger teen asked.

"I don't know. What about that stupid rabbit?"

Allen rolled his eyes. "Look, Kanda. I just wanna ask you a pretty small favor."

"Forget it. I'm not doing anything for you."

"Please Kanda?"

The older exorcist stopped walking and glared at Allen with dark, hard eyes. "What?"

"I wanted to try making a new cake recipe I just found the other day. So I wanted-"

"You want me to be your fucking taste tester? I don't think so. Especially for some stupid cake. I. Hate. Sweets."

Allen smirked, his silver eyes shining playfully. "Oh, but this cake isn't very sweet. That's why I want you. To taste the cake, that is."

"Forget it Moyashi."

Kanda started down the hall again and, of course, the ambitious teen followed him.

"Please Kanda?"

"What will it take for you to leave me alone?"

"Taste the cake!"

The raven haired older comrade groaned. "Fine! But I swear if it tastes bad, and turns out to be a complete waste of my time you will regret it." He threatened.

"Okay, okay. Just be in my room tonight, say eight."


Kanda eventually did arrive at Allen's room, at 8:30. He knocked once and the door almost immediately opened.

"You're late." Allen pouted.

"Yeah, yeah." Kanda said as he pushed past the smaller, white haired teen. "Where's this stupid cake so I can eat it and leave."

He stopped in his tracks when before him, a Japanese styled table was situated in the middle of the room. One of those low ones that you sit with mats. The cake was cut into small cubes on a plate styled in a Japanese tray like he ate his soba on.

Kanda turned and raised an eyebrow at Allen.

"What? I wanted you to feel at home."

Kanda shook his head as Allen blushed slightly. The raven haired samurai sat down on the dark brown mat in front of the cake. Picking up the chopsticks to the right of the tray, he picked up a tiny cube of cake and hesitated before putting it into his mouth. Immediately, a bunch of foreign favors to him exploded over his tongue. First it tasted sweet, almost making him want to spit it out, but then there was some liquid in the inside of the cake that tasted a bit sour, sending goosebumps down Kanda's spine. The salty flavor of the icing on the top washed through next, making his mouth water.

Allen laughed quietly at Kanda's expression. He wiped the grin off however when Kanda turned to glare a him.

"What kind of cake is this, Moyashi?" He inquired.

"The name's Allen, and it's a dark, unsweetened chocolate kind of cake with a few secret ingredients."

Something, whether it was whatever was in the cake or how suggestive Allen's voice sounded, made Kanda smirk slightly and say, "How can I find out these, secret ingredients?"

"You'll have to torture me." Allen responded seductively and in his mind was triumphantly dancing. He'd won his prizes. One, to see Kanda eat a cake and like it. And two, to win Kanda over finally as the two stumbled up the stairs to Allen's bedroom.

LavixTyki, KandaxTyki, AllenxLavi, AllenxKanda and KandaxLavi One Shots! <3Where stories live. Discover now