Vampire-Part One (KandaxAllen)

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Kanda stalked down the street, following his new prey. She walked along without a second's thought that someone was following her. As she rounded a corner, Kanda sped up a little to breath into his hand, then covered her nose and mouth. The brunette woman was immediately knocked unconcious and the hungry vampire dragged her into the shadows as a man walked by. Kanda then sank his teeth into her neck and started drinking the irony, slightly salty, red liquid pouring from the two pinpricks. He ate his fill, and then stuffed the dead body underneath a dumpster.

The long haired vampire walked back down the street again, looking for a new victim to stalk for a few days, when a flash of white caught his eye. Under closer inspection, he realized it was a boy's hair. He seemed about 15 or 16. Perfect.

The young teen seemed to be following his father, though Kanda could hear him calling the older redhead master. Kanda stole to the rooftops to follow the pair, somehow intrigued by this kid, just by looking at him. Even from about 20-30 feet up, with his vampire eyes, he could see the boy's bright silver eyes, pale, delicate skin that glowed in the street lights, and the long red scar going down the left side of his face.

"Baka deshi, I'm going into the bar."

So he's his apprentice..

"But Master, I can't go in there."

"Then wait outside, Baka."

He's telling his apprentice to stand outside by the bar while he drinks... Kanda mentally scoffed. Some master..

The said Baka nodded slowly and mumbled, "Yes Master.." as the redhead entered the cursed building Kanda swore to never enter. The white haired teen leaned against the brick wall with his hands in his jacket pockets. Kanda took this opportunity to jump down in front of the boy, startling him crazy.

"W-Wha.. Did you..? How did..? Who are you?" He stuttered.

"Relax, kid. I'm not gonna hurt you." Yet.

The white haired appentice raised an eyebrow.

"Look, i just saw your master ditch you here and I thought you could use some company. My dad's in there, and I'm too young to go in there too." Physically.

"That doesn't explain how you just jumped off the building to land right in front of me."

Kanda shrugged. "I'm really into parkour."

He leaned against the wall next to the younger kid.

"I'm Allen." He introduced quietly.

Allen.. Kanda repeated in his mind.


"It's nice to meet you Kanda." Allen held out his left hand, which Kanda noticed had a white glove hiding it. He stared at the hand until Allen put it down again.

Allen looked at him for a second or two longer before leaning against the wall again.

"You're awfully short, aren't you?" Kanda blurted out loud.

"I am not! I'm just, younger!" He pouted and Kanda chuckled.

"Or, you're just short. How old are you anyway?"

"I'm 16!"

"Yeah..  You're short, Moyashi."

"Hey! Don't start calling me a beansprout now!"

"But you are, Moyashi."

"I'm not a Moyashi, BaKanda!"

Kanda blinked. "BaKanda?"

"Like, a combination of baka and your name, BaKanda."

Kanda rolled his eyes. Yep.. this kid was gonna be a special one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2013 ⏰

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