Highschool (AllenxTyki)

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Allen rushed into his English class, late, again.

"S-Sorry Mrs. Jay!" He apologized frantically as he took his seat between Kanda and Tyki. The brunette teacher took a moment to glare at him before returning to her lecture. Allen put his stuff down on the floor and immediately took out his big notebook to take notes, when he realized he didn't have a pencil. He looked up to weigh his options. He could embarrass himself for the second time in five minutes and ask the teacher for one, or he could ask Kanda (which would probably be worse, considering Kanda was the school bully and enjoyed playing a game of 'kick-the-moyashi' before class) or he could ask Tyki, if he could muster up enough courage.

Allen had had a crush on Tyki since they were in middle school, but he'd never told anyone. At least, not openly. Lenalee and Lavi had figured it out on their own, and practically forced Allen to admit to it. But, he never wanted to tell him. For one, they hardly ever even talked outside Tyki asking to copy his homework. Secondly, Allen was afraid to be rejected and then made fun of by the popular, good-looking teen for being, well, gay. At least, that's what Tyki would think. Allen wasn't gay, totally. He was bi-sexual, and yes, there is a difference.

The poor senior took a breath and turned to the long-haired bully to his left.

"Kanda, do you have a pencil I can borrow?" He asked in a whisper so the teacher wouldn't turn and scold him for talking during a lecture.

"What if I did?" The smart-ass answered him.

"Kanda, seriously."

Kanda shrugged and looked at the smaller silverette with piercing, dark grey eyes. "What will you give me in return?"

"Uh, your pencil back?"

Kanda narrowed his eyes.

"Well, what do you want?" Allen hissed.

He turned around suddenly when a poke on his back. Tyki smiled genuinely at him and held out a blue mechanical pencil to Allen.

"I have one." He said in his smooth, calm voice.

"O-Oh, thanks." Allen took the pencil and tried smiling back, but it looked more like a confused worm on his face.

"Say, there's a party going on at my place tonight. Do you, maybe, wanna come?"

Allen's eyes widened. Was Tyki Mikk, his crush, asking him to come to a party? "I-I don't know. I have s-some project a-and homework."

"Oh, come on. There might not be one for a while. Please?"

Allen swallowed. "Okay."

Tyki's smile grew. "Good."


Allen shakily stepped up to the large, red doors of Tyki's house. He could hear the loud music booming throughout the huge house. He swallowed and looked down at his clothes. He felt repidiculous in his grey skinny jeans, red shirt, matching grey vest, and grey converse. His hair was brushed and he wore a leather bracelet on his left wrist.

Suddenly the doors opened and Tyki smiled at Allen.

"You made it, Moyashi-chan."

"I-It's Allen."

Tyki scoffed and grabbed his wrist, pulling him inside the house. Immediately, Allen spotted Kanda and his boyfriend, Lavi, on the couch with their tongues down each other's throat. Lenalee was talking to Miranda and Krory. Tyki's friends were in the kitchen, making some goo stuff on the stove. But Tyki continued up the stairs, tugging Allen with him. A blush crept across Allen's face as they entered a bedroom smelling strongly of cherry blossoms. The walls were painted a deep purple and the bed sheets were black and the same shade of purple.

Tyki pressed his lips against Allen's in a heated frenzied kiss, much like the kiss Kanda and Lavi were sharing downstairs. Tyki clawed at Allen's clothes and the silver être let out a surprised gasp when a hand landed on his rear.

"Tonight, you're mine. Think of it as a thank you for letting me copy your homework."

Allen gasped as he was forced onto the bed, underneath a demanding Tyki. For once, Allen was thankful for having to go to highschool.

LavixTyki, KandaxTyki, AllenxLavi, AllenxKanda and KandaxLavi One Shots! <3Where stories live. Discover now