Duels (KandaxTyki)

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Tyki sat in his rocking chair, reading his book quietly. He could hear Kanda in the large room right beside his practicing hard with his Mugen. He'd been at it for almost five hours, and Tyki decided it was time for him to have a break. The Noah put down his book and stood up, taking off his black coat. He walked right through the wall, totally ignoring the door, and found his love hacking away at a wooden dummy with his sword. His long blue hair was down and flowed in the air as Kanda moved around gracefully. Sweat beaded on his bare chest, neck, and lower stomach. He simply looked irresistible to the hungry Noah.

"Don't you think it's time for a break?" Tyki asked as the glowing katana sliced clean through the dummy's head.

"No.. I've hardly.. Started." Kanda growled between blows.

Tyki smiled slightly and shook his head. "You're persistent."

"Shut up before.. I'll practice.. On.. You."

Tyki chuckled and shook his head. "Dint you love me enough, not to?"

Kanda pondered that a moment. "Fine.. I won't /kill/ you."

Tyki smirked and then using his Noah power, he quickly appeared right behind Kanda, too quick for the samurai to see. He wrapped his arms around the younger's bare, hot chest and pulled him close forcibly. Taken by surpsie, he'd accidentally dropped Mugen. He tried to get it back, but Tyki kept his firm hold on his secret lover.

"I think it's time you've had a break." Tyki purred in his ear before licking the shell seductively.

Kanda pushed back on the Noah behind him, setting himself free, and picked up Mugen again. He pointed it at the ebony haired older in front of him. Tyki took this as a challenge and formed his black weapon from his hand. This weapon glowed a pinkish color and worked almost as a sword. Kanda accepted this request and smirked, lunging at his new opponent with a quick thrust of his arms.

Tyki was quick enough to dodge it and almost hit Kanda in the side with a quick sweep of his arm, but the samurai squirmed just out of the way. He swung his katana around to point it at Tyki's chest, just above his heart. He out enough force on it to draw a little blood, but then pulled away. The blue haired exorcist smirked triumphantly and let his guard down slightly. As he turned away from Tyki, the Noah brought up his sword to slice just a few hairs off of Kanda's head. Kanda, having heard and felt the disturbance of his beautiful long, blue hair, turned and angrily.

"Did you just-?" He hissed as he felt around his scalp, making sure there were no bald spots.

"Just a few hairs love, they'll grow back." Tyki replied, putting his weapon away. But Kanda wasn't finished. He brought his sword up again to meet Tyki's nose.

"I strongly advise you don't touch my hair again or I'll make sure you don't have any."

Tyki chuckled, glancing at the floor, before he quickly batted the sword away with such a force that it was sent out of Kand's hands.

The hungry Noah pinned the younger underneath him on a mat. His eyes widened with shock before he scowled at Tyki.

"Fine, I'll take a break." He muttered. "But," He flipped over so now Tyki was underneath him. His hair whut over his left shoulder, tickling Tyki's face. "I call dominance."

Tyki matched his smirk and wrestled with Kanda for dominance. Eventually, Kanda ended up underneath the older, stronger man. He grunted before Tyki planted soft kissed up his jaw until they met lips. Almost immediately, Tyki's tongue slithered its way into Kanda's mouth. Kanda let out an unwanted moan and Tyki smirked inwardly before pulling away slightly.

"Guess I won this duel." He said quietly before returning to their little "break".

LavixTyki, KandaxTyki, AllenxLavi, AllenxKanda and KandaxLavi One Shots! <3Where stories live. Discover now