Poker (AllenxLavi)

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"Come on, Allen. It's obvious I'm not gonna win." Lavi complained as he was forced to take off his pants playing strip poker with Allen. "You're unbeatable."

"Come on, this is too fun." Allen snickered behind his cards.

"You're not half naked!" The red head looked down at his nearly naked body. All he had on was his green boxers and the bandana in his hair. Of course, he still had his eyepatch on too, but he absolutely refused to remove it, which Allen was okay with.

"Here." The undefeated poker player removed the red tie from around his neck and threw in Lavi's lap. "Happy?"

"No." Lavi grumbled.

Allen sighed and took off the brown vest he wore over the long sleeved white shirt. Then he took off the white shirt as well.

"There, now we're kind of even. Just play the next hand."


"Allen I hate this game!" Lavi threw his hand of cards at the wall.

"You wanted to play."

Lavi gaped at the younger, white haired exorcist. "You hit me over the head with a frying pan and then dragged me here! You handcuffed me to the heater and forced me to play!"

Allen laughed evily. "You wouldn't play otherwise!"

"Damn straight I wouldn't! Why'd you want me to play so badly anyway?"

A small blush crept across Allen's pale face and he looked away quickly.

"N-No particular reason.. Just needed some to play with, that's all."

Lavi raised an eyebrow. "You sure?"

Allen nodded shakily and Lavi smirked slightly, seeing the lie behind Allen's covering. The red headed exorcist pounced over the small table they were playing on and pinned Allen underneath him on the floor. Allen squeaked and his blush grew.

"L-Lavi." He murmured quietly as Lavi sported an evil grin.

"That's not why you wanted me to play, is it?" Lavi inquired and pressed his body closer to the smaller boy's underneath him. His face was just millimeters from Allen's, making the younger's blush worsen even more until he looked like a tomato. The part that made this situation so much worse, was that Lavi was pretty much naked and Allen could feel his manhood pressed against his thigh, making Allen's pants feel a bit tighter in the crotch area.

"You just wanted to see me get naked, didn't you?"

Lavi pressed his lips against Allen's before he could reply. He bit the devious poker master's bottom lip, making him gasp, and used this opportunity to shove his tongue into the other's mouth. Allen moaned quietly into the intense kiss, forming vibrations along his tongue pressed against Lavi's teeth. The red head pulled away slightly, forming a spit chain between their lips. Allen nodded quickly, too aroused now to go back and Lavi tugged on his arm, sending them both on the bed.

LavixTyki, KandaxTyki, AllenxLavi, AllenxKanda and KandaxLavi One Shots! <3Where stories live. Discover now