Camping (LavixTyki)

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Lavi stumbled into the campsite he, Kanda, Allen, and Lenalee had built in ten minutes. It wasn't much. Just three tents, a small food supply, and a fire pit in the middle. The red headed exorcist slipped his hammer into the holster on his left thigh and slipped the green bandana from his head to around his neck. He grabbed a small gronola bar from their supply and crawled into his tent. Thankfully, he had his own tent. Since Kanda and Allen were an item now, -courtesy of Lavi himself- they voluntarily shared a tent. Though Lavi could hear the very disturbing activities they had going on in their neighboring tent. Lavi shuddered at the memory.

Suddenly he saw a figure approaching the site through the thin, tan fabric of the tent. It definitely did not look like any of his fellow exorcists' shadow. His hand tensed around the head of his hammer as this person approached the very tent he relaxed in. Then a chuckle rang through his ears.

"Edgy today?" A smooth, deep voice asked and Lavi's eyes widened, or eye.. Depending on how you looked at it.

"T-Tyki? What are you doing here?" Lavi hissed as the older Portuguese man crawled in the small tent. There was enough room, so Tyki straddled Lavi's lap instead, sending a dark blush across the redhead's cheeks. His hand relaxed from his Innocence and instead was occupied with Tyki's. True, it was "illegal" for an exorcist and a Noah to be "together" but Lavi wasn't /just/ an exorcist; he was a Bookman too. A Bookman could not chose a side to, well, side on, exorcist or not. Not permanetly anyway. He and Bookman were just exorcists to observe the battle between the two sides of the Innocence and the Millenium Earl from the Order's point of view. He and Tyki weren't, /really/ enemies.. Were they?

Lavi let the matter slip from his thoughts as a pair of warm, demanding lips conquered his. He bit down harshly on his bottom lip, ordering for acceptance which Lavi complied to his wish. Their tongues fought for dominance until Tyki reached down to squeeze the exorcist's rear, making him gasp and Tyki's tongue to win their fight. Lavi hated losing, but just this time he'd let it slide. He ran his hands through Tyki's black, curly hair, releasing it from its tight, slicked-back style. The curly locks fell around his face and tickled Lavi's.

The redheaded teen gasped harshly when he heard a faint conversation between three people grow louder as they approached the campsite.

"Shit, Tyki! Get out of here!" Lavi whispered harshly to his forbidden lover. Tyki smirked and pecked him on the cheek.

"I'll return." He said before disappearing right through the ground. As if on cue, Lenalee tugged open a flap to the tent. She peered in at a nervous, shaky, yet aroused redheaded exorcist.

"Everything okay, Lavi?" She asked and motioned to his untamed hair, even crazier than normal thanks to Tyki.

"U-Um, yeah, I'm fine." He answered, staging a smile. "Did you collect the Innoncence?"

She smiled and nodded. "Yep! We're gonna start packing everything so we can leave tonight."

"Ah, okay."

Lavi crawled out of his tent and stretched. "I think I'm gonna go take a walk and walk out this cramp in my knee." He lied smoothly. When it came to lying, Lavi was definitely number one.

"Okay." Lenalee and Allen said in unison. Kanda just gave his famous, "Che" and crossed his arms over his chest. Lavi noticed that as Allen walked across the sight, he had a funny limp to his step. He shook his head and started walking out into the woods.

Once he figured he was far enough, he softly called out Tyki's name. The taller, older man arrived and snaked his arms around Lavi's waist. He sent kisses down the teen's neck and collarbone, making sure to leave a purple spot on every one.

"T-Tyki.. What if the others see it?"

He shrugged. "Hode it. You /have/ a scarf."

"Oh.. Right."

The redhead nudged at the back of Tyki's head to silently beg him to continue. Tyki complied, and smushed him agains a tree. He removed the headband from his neck and continued to his uniform shirt. Lavi only just prayed the others didn't come search for him too soon.

LavixTyki, KandaxTyki, AllenxLavi, AllenxKanda and KandaxLavi One Shots! <3Where stories live. Discover now