Chapter 10

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I turned around as the second bell rang for second period to start before Bethany could say anything else. She wouldn't have had a chance anyways since the teacher, Mr. Tyler, started talking as soon as the second bell had stopped ringing. I was hoping that Mr. Tyler was going to actually teach something, but after taking attendance and then talking about the class for a little bit, Mr. Tyler let us talk for the rest of the class, which meant that Bethany and her friends had the chance to try and talk to me.

They hadn't moved back to the spot they originally had been sitting in so they were still sitting behind me. It might not have been possible for them to move back to where they had originally been because someone could have ended up sitting in their spot while they had been talking to me.

I tried to make myself look busy by reading through the papers Mr. Tyler had passed out about the class, but Bethany was also trying hard to get my attention. She still seemed to want to talk to me for some reason and I was doing my best to ignore her, but she wasn't giving up. I don't understand why she still wanted to talk to me since I'm pretty sure she already said what she had say when she had told me to stay away from Nathan.

I knew that she didn't like how I had talked back to her. She probably wasn't used to that. And she probably wanted to try again to put me in my place and make sure I knew who was the boss around here, but I wasn't going to let her intimidate me. I wouldn't let anyone ever do that.

"You can't ignore me forever. You know that right? We're in the same class as each other and there's a possibility that we have another class together. You're going to have to eventually talk to me again," Bethany said sounding a little desperate. It made me wonder if Alexis used to be the one in charge before she left and Bethany was desperately trying to cling on to the time she had left as being the one in charge. She must have enjoyed her time being the one in charge while Alexis had been gone.

However, Bethany didn't know me at all and that I was some sort of expert at pretending that there wasn't anyone around me. I often blocked people out when they were being too nosy around me and I couldn't go anywhere else so I pretended like I was in that situation. And I did that by pulling out a book that I was reading for myself and not for school and blocking out everyone else including Bethany.

I don't know when she gave up trying to get my attention since I was able to get into my book and let everything else disappear around me for awhile until the bell rang for second period to be over, but I did notice that Bethany and her friends were already gone by the time the bell had stopped ringing.

I packed up my things, grabbed my bag to swing it over my shoulder, and then headed off to English, hoping that I wouldn't have to see Bethany for the rest of my day, but knowing my luck, she was probably going to show up again somewhere today. If not today, then there was always the rest of the school year. I was going to do my best to avoid her from now on though, but that could change if she tries to hurt me or one of the friends that I'm hoping to make.

There was only so much someone could take before retaliating back. And if she was going to actually do something to me or someone else, then I wasn't just going to stand around and let her continue on doing it. That would let her know that she could walk over me and I wasn't going to let that happen. Bethany and her friends needed to know that they couldn't push me around.

As I walked to English, I noticed that the hallways were much more crowded now than it had been when Nathan had been showing me around so it was much harder to get through the hallways and over to the staircase as well as walk up it. Once I got upstairs after fighting my way up it, I headed over to the classroom where my English class was being held and then stepped inside. I didn't see Nathan yet so I just sat down in a random desk and then took out my book so it wouldn't look like I was waiting around for him.

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