Chapter 26

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I hung up the phone after saying goodbye to my grandmother. And then I slowly put my phone back into my purse. I felt a little frozen as I thought about the fact that I was going to be finding out if James Ryan was my father before this day was over with. There had been times when I had thought that I was never going to find out who my father was because the only person I had access to, who knew my father was, wouldn't tell me anything about him. Sure Charlotte had told me some things about my father, but the story always changed over time whenever I asked her about him so I was never really sure if anything she told me was the truth, which basically meant I knew nothing about my father.

And now I had a name and a face. I had actually met a man who could possibly be my father. And I was going to find out if he was my father in just a short time. The thought that I might actually have a father after this kind of scared me. I didn't want my relationship with my father to be like the one I had with Charlotte.

I wanted to have a good relationship with my father. It would be nice to have one parent who I knew that loved me and would do anything to protect me. I knew that I wasn't going to get that right away and it would take time to have a good relationship with James Ryan if he turned out to be my father, but I wanted that. It was also going to take time until I started referring him as my father or even calling him my father.

I had spent all my life not having a man to call my father so it was definitely going to take some time before I called him my father. Same went for actually calling him Dad to his face. That wasn't just going to happen overnight.

"Rhiannon, is everything okay?" Nathan asked bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked over at him and found him already watching me.

"Yeah, my grandmother just said that the test results are ready," I replied.

"That's great! Are you going to be able to drive yourself to the hospital?" he asked me.

I nodded my head and then said, "Yeah, I'll be fine. Come over tomorrow and I'll let you know what happens. Or maybe you can stop by later. We probably shouldn't talk on the phone. Alexis strikes me as one of those girls who looks through their boyfriend's phone to see if they're talking to any girls that they're not supposed to be talking to."

Nathan nodded his head and then said that he come around sometime after lunch, maybe after one since I wasn't sure how long this was going to take. I told him that was fine and that if I wasn't there just come back later. There was a good chance that James Ryan will want to talk to me if it turns out that I'm his daughter. He might want to start getting to know me right away unless he had to get back to work.

It was a good possibility that he was at work right now. I didn't know if that meant we would have to wait until he could get off of work before we could get the test results, but hopefully he would be there when I got there. Hopefully I wouldn't be waiting that much longer until I knew whether or not I had found my father.

After Nathan and I had said goodbye to each other, we headed off to our cars separately since we had parked in different places. When I reached my car, I unlocked it and then got inside after opening up the door. Once I was all the way inside my car, I shut the door and then locked it. Then after putting my purse on the seat next to me, I put the keys to my car into the ignition and then started up my car. A minute or two later, I was ready to drive off, which I did hoping that I wasn't going to get lost since this was my first time driving to the hospital by myself. But I was pretty sure I knew the way there.

If I didn't then I would just have to pull over and call my grandparents to ask for directions. First I was going to try to get there on my own, which I actually did. I made a few wrong turns a couple of times, but I eventually found my way to the hospital. There had been a point when I was going to call my grandparents, but then I figured out which way I needed to go.

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