Chapter 29

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The paparazzi were staying outside for the moment, which was good for us since it was hard for them to get a good picture of us, but they probably weren't going away any time soon so we would probably have to face them one way or another. I looked over to where Alexis was sitting but found that she was no longer there anymore. After looking around the rest of the café, I found that she had left it. Probably before the paparazzi had even arrived. I looked back over at James and saw that he was on the phone.

Hopefully he was calling his security team, which Jordan had mentioned to me when she was telling me about James, to come and help us get out of the café. If he wasn't then James and I would have to fight our way through the paparazzi ourselves, but I had a feeling that James was calling someone to get us out of here.

Either way though, it looked like James and I could no longer meet up here anymore. The paparazzi probably would be staking this place out just in case we came back here. I'm sure they wanted to get a lot of pictures of James with the woman he was supposedly having an affair with since I knew that was what Alexis had told them when she called to report that she had sighted James Ryan with a woman that wasn't his wife.

It probably didn't look good for James right now, but I'm sure in a few hours everything would be okay again. Or at least the world wouldn't think that James was cheating on his wife. I'm sure people would be talking about how James had a teenage daughter from an old girlfriend.

"Rhiannon?" I heard James a few minutes later. I looked over at him and before I could say anything, he continued on by adding, "My security team will be here as soon as they can. We'll just stay in here until they get here. And my publicist is making an official statement for me about the whole situation. It's already gotten out there that I'm cheating on my wife with a younger woman. Apparently that's the only reason why I'm hanging out with you."

"I'm so sorry about this. I know that you wanted to wait," I said.

I felt bad that this had happened since it was somewhat my fault. If I had just decided to stop being friends with Nathan then maybe Alexis would have left me alone and this wouldn't be happening right now. I wasn't sure if Alexis had followed me here or if she just happened to walk into this café and find me here with James. It wouldn't surprise me if she had followed me, which meant that she knew where I worked. I also wouldn't be surprised if Alexis was telling Nathan about this to show him that he was too late to get his chance to be with me.

She was probably a very happy person right now because she thought she had won. But she would soon find out that she had made a mistake. And that would mean she would just go back to finding another way to destroy my life, but I don't think there was anything else she could do to try and hurt me.

"It's not your fault Rhiannon. I remember the mean girls when I was in high school. None of them had ever done anything to me, but that doesn't mean I don't know what they're capable of when they think their world is threatened. Even if you had done things differently, things might have turned out the same way," James said smiling at me.

"I'm glad you don't think this is my fault. I really do want to get to know you. I don't want anything else, I promise," I replied giving him a small smile.

"I can tell that you are different from your mother. People like your mother always give away their true intentions even if they don't realize that they are doing that. I was blind at first because I thought I was in love with Charlotte, but I eventually realized that she just wanted to be with me because I wanted to be an actor one day. She didn't want to be with me because of me. If I had thought you were getting to know me because you wanted the fame and money I've got, then we wouldn't have met a second time. I'm a lot more aware of people like that now," James said still smiling at me. I nodded my head but didn't say anything.

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