Chapter 16

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When the second day of school was over I hadn't been approached by Alexis or any of her friends throughout the whole day. I wasn't exactly sure what she was up to, but I got the feeling that maybe she was hoping that I thought that by being left alone that she and her friends were done with me. But I knew better. Popular girls just don't give up that easily. They had something else planned and just weren't ready to execute that plan yet.

It was most likely that they were waiting for the right moment. Or they could still be figuring out what they wanted to do next. Whatever they were doing, I was just going to have to make sure to watch my back and maybe pack some extra clothes in my car, just in case. I wouldn't put it past them to dump food all over me in front of the whole school since I had seen other popular girls from my old schools do it to other girls who had crossed them.

But for now, I wasn't going to worry about it because school was over and I was going home. Alexis and her friends had no idea where I lived and they were nowhere in sight so I didn't have to worry about them following me home to find out where I lived. I'm sure they had better things to do than follow me around anyways.

And I hadn't quite figured out if Alexis was crazy enough to go to the length of stalking a girl who had just met her ex-boyfriend. She seemed like she always had everything under control so it would take a lot for her to come to that point. It could happen when she finally could no longer bare that she wasn't going to get her way.

"Rhiannon!" I heard my name being yelled out by a voice that sounded like Nathan's. There were still quite a few other students at school so there was a lot of chattering going on around me and the voice calling my name was very faint, but I looked around until I indeed found Nathan walking towards me and trying to get my attention.

When Nathan finally saw that he had my attention, he stopped yelling out my name and waving me down but continued to walk towards me as I stopped off to the side of the hallway where I would be out of the way from students walking down it. I still got bumped into every once in and awhile though when people weren't paying attention to where they were going as they walked and talked to their friends. Nathan reached me a couple minutes later and stopped in front of me before saying, "Did you want to come with me and my friends to the beach? I got Kimberly to say yes, just as long as you come with us though. She still seems a little uncomfortable around us still, but I think she's starting to warm up to us!"

I laughed and then said, "That sounds great! I'll definitely come. If anyone needs a ride, which I'm hoping someone does because I don't know my way around this city yet and will help needing directions to the beach we are going to, then I can give them a ride since I've got a car."

"Well then I'll ride with you since I don't have my car right now and you need someone to give you directions. I promised to help you that anyways so I have to keep my promise. Jennifer and Kelly are going to ride with Cameron so I think the only other person who will need a ride is Kimberly and I'm sure she'll want to ride with you. I just don't know for sure if she'll be needing a ride. She didn't say if she needed one or not," Nathan said as he fell into me after someone had bumped into him as they were running down the hallway.

If they had bumped into him harder and there hadn't been a wall behind me then Nathan and I most definitely would have ended up on the ground with Nathan on top of me. That would have very awkward, more awkward than the position we were in now.

Nathan had suddenly become nervous now that we were pressed against each other and he seemed to be frozen as well as being at a loss for words. He didn't seem to know what to do at all with the situation that we were in. It was kind of a weird situation to get out of. And I wasn't really sure what to say either. There was only really one thing to do now and that was to remove ourselves from the situation first before anything could be said. I would be the first to step back, but with a wall right behind me, I had nowhere to move.

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