Chapter 36

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I watched James as he sighed, knowing this was the exact thing that he wanted me to avoid. At least for right now. But someone, I was still thinking Charlotte, had changed that and there was nothing that no one could do to stop it. It was out there that I was his daughter. And now people were going to want to know who I was, why I had been kept a secret for so long, and why James hadn't been the one to reveal that he had another daughter.

James had mentioned that he had another daughter from a previous relationship when he had to address the rumors about whether or not he was having an affair, but that's all he had said. He had never gone into detail about who I was or why I hadn't been mentioned before, but now that was going to change. I'm sure in every interview that James did from now on, he was going to be asked about me.

"Who told you about what happened?" I asked him, breaking the silence that had grown between us after I had last spoken. James had been focused on driving and I had been looking out the window, lost in thought, thinking about what was going to happen next.

"My publicist. She was getting a bunch of calls, asking for a comment about if it was true that I had a daughter named Rhiannon Blake. Normally my publicist would ignore the calls that were just about rumors, but with the media having your actual name, which I had never given them, she took action and is trying to handle it now," James replied keeping his eyes on the road.

"Does she know about the website?" I asked him. That made him look over at me and I saw that he was confused as to what I was talking about.

"Website? What website?" he responded sounding worried.

He was probably worried about what was on that website and what it was saying about me. It didn't exactly say anything bad about me since that wasn't the reason the site had been made. There was just a little information on it about me, which is what I told James. He seemed to relax at that news, but then told me that he wanted to see the website once we got to my house, which I agreed to. I figured he'd want to see the website and see what it says anyways.

We were silent the rest of the way to my house about fifteen minutes later, James pulled over to the side of the road in front of my house. I saw that my car was in the driveway so it was probably safe to assume that my grandparents were home as well.

I got out of the car and grabbed my bag before shutting the door. As I headed up the driveway to walk over to the front door, I heard James' door shut and then the car lock before he followed me to the front door. When I reached the front door, I unlocked it and then stepped inside, moving off to the side so that James could walk into the house.

Once James was in the house, I shut the door and then locked it before following James further into the house. I saw that both of my grandparents were sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for us. Since James wanted to see the website, I didn't sit down with my grandparents, but James did. I did walk over to them and told them that I was going to put my bag away and grab my laptop from my room.

A few minutes later I was back downstairs and sitting next to James, across from my grandmother. I set my laptop down in front me and then turned it on before looking around the table to see if anyone was going to speak. Both of my grandparents looked upset with what had happened and they probably weren't thrilled that I had to stay home until this whole situation was over since it meant that I was going to be missing school.

They probably didn't want me falling behind and neither did I, but I knew that I could catch up just as long as my teachers gave me an idea of what I was going to miss. I didn't have all my schoolbooks, which I was probably going to need to keep up with all my classes, but I'm sure I wasn't allowed to go back to school at the moment so I would just have to have Nathan get my books.

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