Chapter 18

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Nathan's mother smiled at me again and then looked over at her husband. They seemed to have a silent conversation with each other, deciding whether or not they were okay with me taking their children to school. After some time, they both turned back towards me and then told me that they would allow me to take their children to school. I stayed at Nathan's house for a little longer and talked with his parents as well as Nathan before I went home.

Now that I was back in my car, I sighed a breath of relief. That had been a little nerve wracking, but I hadn't embarrassed myself in any way in front of Nathan's parents. When I got home about ten minutes later, I was relieved to find that Charlotte's car was not in the driveway. Already having to deal with her once today, I didn't want to have to deal with her a second time.

Once I had parked my car in the driveway and had turned it off, I stepped out of it and then grabbed my things. With my things in my hand, I shut the door and then locked my car before heading over to the front door. I unlocked the front door and then stepped into my grandparents' house, shutting the door behind me once I was inside.

After locking the door, I walked further into the house until I was near the kitchen. I could hear the television playing so after checking the kitchen and not finding my grandparents there, I turned to the living and saw them sitting in their chairs watching a show. After setting my bag down near the staircase, I went into the living room and joined my grandparents by sitting down on the couch.

"How was the beach?" my grandmother asked me. I looked over at her after leaning back into the couch and then said, "It was fun. Charlotte showed up in the beginning, but she left me alone after I had talked to her. After that I had a good time. I'm liking the people I've met so far."

"I was afraid of that. Since she found out the hotel we were staying at, I figured she'd eventually figure out the high school we enrolled you in. We thought that maybe she wouldn't think that we would enroll you in the same high school she went to, but that didn't last long. She was bound to figure out what high school you're going to," my grandfather replied sighing.

At least now I knew that I was going to the same high school as Charlotte had gone to and that it was now more apparent than ever that the Charlotte Mallory everyone had been telling about was definitely the Charlotte I knew as Charlotte Blake.

"So, I'm going to the same high school as Charlotte?" I asked them. Both of my grandparents nodded their heads and then my grandmother said, "If Charlotte starts bothering you too much, then we can always look into getting you a restraining order against her. Maybe that'll convince her to stay away. I'm sure she doesn't want to go to jail."

I had thought about that before, getting a restraining order again Charlotte, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to go through it at the moment. It was probably better to just see how much Charlotte was going to bother me. Maybe I could convince her to leave me alone over time. If I kept telling her that I didn't want her in my life every time that she came around, then maybe she'd eventually stop coming around and stop bothering me.

But if she didn't listen then maybe I would start really thinking about getting a restraining order. I just wanted her out of my life and getting a restraining order against her would just mean that I would have to see her again until I actually got a restraining order against her, but if it was necessary then I would do it.

"If it gets that bad, then I'll do that, but for now let's see if I can convince her that I don't want her in my life anymore," I replied. My grandparents nodded their heads but didn't say anything so I stood up from the couch and said I was going to go upstairs to do my homework.

I worked on my homework until my grandmother called that dinner was ready. After I had eaten dinner and helped clean up, I went back upstairs to my room to finish up my homework until it was finished. It took me another hour and a half before I was finally done for today. Once I had put everything away, I went over to the laptop that my grandparents had gotten me and turned it on. I was going to look up the music stores that Nathan had given me and see if I could apply online for a job.

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