Chapter 32

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When the day came for me to meet my siblings, James called that morning and told me that he would come pick me up after one o'clock. He said that he wanted time alone with me before the chaos started. I was a little relieved that James was coming to pick me up since it would mean that I wouldn't have to worry about getting lost. This city was big and I was still trying to find my way through it whenever I needed to go somewhere new. It also meant that I wouldn't have to worry about someone else answering the door when I arrived.

I don't know if my siblings were allowed to open the door, but if they were then I didn't want that to be the way we met each other. Plus, I knew that James wanted to introduce me to them.

Usually, I worked in the mornings on the weekend, but I had taken this morning off since I wasn't sure when James wanted me to come over. I wanted to have enough time to be able to spend with my siblings as well as my father and his wife. They were all going to be in my life now and I wanted them to get to know me as well as for me to get to know them. When I woke up that morning, I wasn't nervous, but as the day went on, I started getting more nervous.

I probably shouldn't be nervous about meeting two kids, but maybe I was just worried that they wouldn't like me and then James would not want me in his life anymore. He probably trusted them more than me.

And when the doorbell rang five minutes after one, I knew that it was time to meet my siblings and that I was more nervous than ever. I had been upstairs in my room, finishing getting ready so I wasn't the one who answered the door. But a few minutes later I was downstairs all ready to go and found James talking with my grandparents.

They would get to meet my siblings another time. I think we might end up eating dinner here that time though. When I got halfway down the stairs, everyone noticed me. James smiled at me so I smiled back at him as I walked over to him and my grandparents. I greeted James before he could greet me.

"Hi, how are you?" I said as I walked up to him.

"I'm great. How about you? Are you nervous at all?" James said as he watched me walk over to him. I stood next to him and my grandfather when I did reach James.

"I'm good and a little nervous, but that's to be expected," I replied.

"It is to be expected, but you've got nothing to worry about. Alyssa and Luke are going to love you. You'll also get to meet my father as well. He and my mom will be joining us for dinner. I know you wanted to meet him as well. He is your grandfather after all so you should meet him too. He's been wanting to meet you as well," James said smiling at me.

"That's fine with me. What about your brother?" I asked.

I still had yet to meet James' brother, my uncle, and his family too. Even though the thought of meeting my siblings was already making me nervous, the thought of meeting my other grandfather as well, made me nervous. If I was going to meet James' brother and his family too, then my nerves were going to be even higher, but I wanted to meet all of them.

I wanted them all to like me because they were my family, but I'm sure the adults that I hadn't met didn't have fond memories of Charlotte so they were probably worried that I had turned out just like Charlotte. Which I guess wouldn't be a surprise since Charlotte had been the one to raise me. But they must want to meet me enough to put aside their worries.

"Oh yes, of course. I should have mentioned that my brother and his family will be there. And next time we'll all have dinner here together," James said looking over at my grandparents when he had started saying the last sentence of his answer.

"That would be great. Just let us know when you want it to happen. I'm sure a weekend would be a better time for all of us to get together," my grandmother said. James nodded his head and then said, "Yes, that would be a better time for everyone. I'll let you guys know. Or Rhiannon will because I'll try to bring it up while we're all together."

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