Chapter 1

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: ok first off in this chapter both the reader and Dolores are at the age of 18 but there actually will be a time skip so yeah, enjoy

My family had just decided to move to the village Encanto and I definitely wasn't excited. I didn't want to leave my hometown and all my friends behind but my parents' had thought it would've been a better living environment. No matter how hard I tried my parents would not budge about moving to Encanto.

When we had arrived I didn't know what to expect, the entire place is literally deserted from the entire world. I decided to spend my time annoying my parents by saying 'are we there yet?' or 'this is taking forever.' It had even gotten to the point where my mother snapped.

"ESTAMOS AQUÍ AHORA DEJA DE GRITAR" My mom had screamed back to me while cradling my now crying one year old brother, Miguel.

Thankfully the trip had ended and we arrived at Encanto. I looked around and admired the scenery, I'll admit Encanto didn't seem to be as bad as I originally planned and it seemed peaceful.

"Mami can I go look at the town I'll be back soon I promise?" I had asked hopefully.

My mom had sighed and agreed while carefully setting down my brother on the new furniture. I thanked her and walked out of the house. As I am walking around I notice a group of people exiting by far the most magical building I have ever seen. I took a moment and stared in awe at the building and continued my way in the village. I had seen many shops and also saw the same people I had before, but the only difference I had noticed was that those people had special abilities.

I stared in awe as a younger boy changed form into other people, a woman seemingly my age had flowers blooming from all around her, a slightly younger woman who most likely had super strength had been carrying loads of donkeys, and a older woman who had a thundering cloud forming over her head. I was so amazed I could only muster out "woah." I had noticed a girl my age from far away turn her head towards me.

As we made eye contact I had been completely been taken away by her beauty. Then the single glance had turned into a staring contest that wasn't interrupted until a old woman had yelled for the mystery girl. She then ran away only sparing me one last glance. Once she had left I shook my head and walked back to my house.

When I arrived back home I was met with my mother and father were still unpacking and my brother was fast asleep. I had slowly walked past them as I went towards where my room was supposed to be until I was interrupted by my father.

"Did you have fun exploring, Y/N?" my father had asked while looking up from a box.

"uh yeah I did." I replied trying to just get in my room.

"Did you meet someone?" my father had questioned.

"Nope okay bye, love you"

"I love you too," my parents had responded at the same time. I had walked into my room and sighed, the mystery girl I had seen before still in my mind. The way her beautiful curly brown hair was held up in a bun with a nice red ribbon tied around it, and her nice yellow and white top with a long red skirt. I sighed and laid down and drifted off to sleep.

ANOTHER AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry if this sucked this is my first fanfic ever and I already think I am doing a bad job.

ANOTHER ANOTHER AUTHORS NOTE: you guys kept bullying me about saying country instead of village

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